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Software Engineering for Embedded Systems: Methods, Practical Techniques, and Applications
发布日期:2015-07-16  浏览

Software Engineering for Embedded Systems: Methods, Practical Techniques, and Applications


This Expert Guide gives you the techniques and technologies in software engineering to optimally design and implement your embedded system. Written by experts with a solutions focus, this encyclopedic reference gives you an indispensable aid to tackling the day-to-day problems when using software engineering methods to develop your embedded systems. With this book you will learn: * The principles of good architecture for an embedded system * Design practices to help make your embedded project successful * Details on principles that are often a part of embedded systems, including digital signal processing, safety-critical principles, and development processes * Techniques for setting up a performance engineering strategy for your embedded system software * How to develop user interfaces for embedded systems * Strategies for testing and deploying your embedded system, and ensuring quality development processes * Practical techniques for optimizing embedded software for performance, memory, and power * Advanced guidelines for developing multicore software for embedded systems * How to develop embedded software for networking, storage, and automotive segments * How to manage the embedded development process Includes contributions from: Frank Schirrmeister, Shelly Gretlein, Bruce Douglass, Erich Styger, Gary Stringham, Jean Labrosse, Jim Trudeau, Mike Brogioli, Mark Pitchford, Catalin Dan Udma, Markus Levy, Pete Wilson, Whit Waldo, Inga Harris, Xinxin Yang, Srinivasa Addepalli, Andrew McKay, Mark Kraeling and Robert Oshana. * Road map of key problems/issues and references to their solution in the text * Review of core methods in the context of how to apply them * Examples demonstrating timeless implementation details * Short and to- the- point case studies show how key ideas can be implemented, the rationale for choices made, and design guidelines and trade-offs

Software Engineering for Embedded Systems: A       xxiii
Foreword to Software Engineering for Embedded      xxxvii
Acknowledgments                                    xxxix
About the Editors                                  xli
About the Authors                                  xliii
Chapter 1 Software Engineering of Embedded and     1     (32)
Real-Time Systems
  Software engineering                             1     (6)
  Embedded systems                                 7     (5)
    Embedded systems are reactive systems          9     (3)
  Real-time systems                                12    (6)
    Types of real-time systems - soft and hard     12    (3)
    Examples of hard real-time                     15    (2)
    Real-time event characteristics                17    (1)
    Efficient execution and the execution          17    (1)
  Challenges in real-time system design            18    (5)
    Response time                                  19    (1)
    Recovering from failures                       20    (1)
    The embedded system software build process     21    (2)
  Distributed and multi-processor architectures    23    (1)
  Software for embedded systems                    24    (3)
    Super loop architecture                        24    (3)
  Hardware abstraction layers (HAL) for            27    (3)
  embedded systems
  Summary                                          30    (3)
Chapter 2 Embedded Systems Hardware/Software       33    (26)
  Today's embedded systems - an example            33    (4)
  HW/SW prototyping users                          37    (1)
  HW/SW prototyping options                        38    (3)
  Prototyping decision criteria                    41    (2)
  Choosing the right prototype                     43    (1)
  Industry design chain                            44    (1)
  The need to change the design flow               45    (1)
  Different types of virtual prototypes            45    (1)
  A brief history of virtual prototypes            46    (1)
  The limits of proprietary offerings              47    (1)
  What makes virtual prototypes fast               48    (1)
  Standardization: the era of SystemC TLM-2.0      49    (2)
    SystemC TLM-2 abstraction levels               50    (1)
  Architecture virtual prototypes                  51    (1)
  Software virtual prototypes                      52    (4)
  Summary - the growing importance of              56    (3)
Chapter 3 Software Modeling for Embedded Systems   59    (34)
  When and why should you model your embedded      59    (1)
  Modeling                                         60    (5)
  What is a modeling language?                     65    (1)
  Examples of modeling languages                   66    (3)
  The V diagram promise                            69    (3)
  So, why would you want to model your embedded    72    (1)
  When should you model your embedded system?      73    (5)
    Mission- and safety-critical applications      73    (1)
    Highly complex applications and systems        74    (4)
  Operational complexity                           78    (1)
  Cost of defect versus when detected              79    (1)
  Large development teams require modeling         80    (1)
  Modeling is often the only choice                81    (2)
  So - modeling is great, but aren't all models    83    (3)
  You have your prototype - now what?              86    (3)
  Conclusion                                       89    (1)
  Next steps - try it!                             89    (2)
    Closed-loop control with a DC motor            90    (1)
    Learn more about prototyping with a            90    (1)
    downloadable kit
    Designing applications with the NI             90    (1)
    Statechart Module
    Design and simulate a brushed dc motor         90    (1)
    h-bridge circuit
    Multi-domain physical modeling with            91    (1)
    open-source Modelica models
  References                                       91    (2)
Chapter 4 Software Design Architecture and         93    (30)
Patterns for Embedded Systems
  Overview of architecture and design              93    (3)
    Architecture is about system-wide              94    (2)
  Three levels of design                           96    (1)
  What are design patterns?                        97    (10)
    Must I use object-oriented techniques to       98    (2)
    use design patterns?
    An architectural example                       100   (3)
    Using patterns                                 103   (3)
    Making trade-off decisions                     106   (1)
  Software architecture categories and views       107   (14)
    Primary architectural views                    107   (14)
    Secondary viewpoints                           121   (1)
  Summary                                          121   (1)
  References                                       122   (1)
Chapter 5 Real-Time Building Blocks: Events and    123   (32)
  Events and triggers                              124   (1)
  Room temperature unit                            124   (2)
  Event system                                     126   (1)
  Event handle                                     127   (2)
  Event methods                                    129   (1)
  Event data structure                             130   (1)
  Reentrancy                                       131   (2)
    Disable and enable interrupts                  132   (1)
    EnterCritical and ExitCritical                 132   (1)
    Semaphores                                     132   (1)
    Implementation with Enter/ExitCritical         133   (1)
  Event processing                                 133   (1)
  Integration                                      134   (2)
  Triggers                                         136   (1)
  Blinking LED                                     136   (1)
  Design idea                                      137   (1)
  Tick timer                                       138   (1)
  Trigger interface                                139   (1)
  Trigger descriptor                               140   (1)
  Data allocation                                  141   (1)
  SetTrigger                                       142   (2)
  IncTicks                                         144   (4)
  Making it reentrant                              148   (1)
  Initialization                                   149   (1)
  Blink!                                           150   (1)
  Beep!                                            151   (2)
  Real-time aspects                                153   (1)
  Summary and source code                          154   (1)
Chapter 6 Hardware's Interface to Embedded         155   (28)
  Introduction                                     156   (1)
  Collaborate with the hardware team               157   (4)
    Proactive collaboration                        157   (1)
    Ambassadors                                    158   (1)
    Register design tools                          158   (2)
    Co-development activities                      160   (1)
    System integration                             160   (1)
  Useful hardware design aspects                   161   (6)
    Notification of hardware events                161   (1)
    Launching tasks in hardware                    162   (1)
    Bit field alignment                            163   (1)
    Fixed bit positions                            164   (1)
    Block version number                           165   (1)
    Debug hooks                                    165   (2)
  Supporting multiple versions of hardware         167   (7)
    Compile-time switches                          167   (4)
    Build-time switches                            171   (3)
    Run-time switches                              174   (1)
  Self-adapting switches                           174   (2)
  Difficult hardware interactions                  176   (4)
    Atomic register access                         176   (2)
    Mixed bit types in the same register           178   (2)
    Edge vs. level interrupts                      180   (1)
  Testing and troubleshooting                      180   (1)
  Temporary hooks                                  180   (2)
    Permanent hooks                                181   (1)
  Conclusion                                       182   (1)
  Best practices                                   182   (1)
Chapter 7 Embedded Software Programming and        183   (22)
Implementation Guidelines
  Introduction                                     184   (3)
    Principles of high-quality programming         185   (2)
    What sets embedded apart from general          187   (1)
  Starting the embedded software project           187   (8)
    Hardware platform input                        188   (1)
    Project files/organization                     189   (1)
    Team programming guidelines                    190   (2)
    Syntax standard                                192   (2)
    Safety requirements in source code             194   (1)
  Variable structure                               195   (10)
    Variable declarations                          195   (4)
    Data types                                     199   (2)
    Definitions                                    201   (4)
Chapter 8 Embedded Operating Systems               205   (56)
  Foreground/background systems                    207   (1)
  Real-time kernels                                208   (11)
    RTOS (real-time operating system)              210   (1)
    Critical sections                              210   (1)
    Task management                                211   (4)
    Assigning task priorities                      215   (1)
    Determining the size of a stack                216   (3)
    The idle task                                  219   (1)
  Priority levels                                  219   (1)
  The ready list                                   220   (1)
    Preemptive scheduling                          220   (1)
  Scheduling points                                221   (1)
    Round-robin scheduling                         222   (1)
  Context switching                                222   (3)
  Interrupt management                             225   (8)
    Handling CPU interrupts                        226   (3)
    Non-kernel-aware interrupt service routine     229   (1)
    Processors with multiple interrupt             230   (1)
    All interrupts vector to a common location     231   (2)
    Every interrupt vectors to a unique location   233   (1)
  The clock tick (or system tick)                  233   (1)
  Wait lists                                       234   (1)
  Time management                                  234   (2)
  Resource management                              236   (12)
    Resource management, disable/enable            238   (1)
    Resource management, semaphores                239   (5)
    Resource management, priority inversions       244   (1)
    Resource management, mutual-exclusion          245   (2)
    semaphores (mutex)
    Resource management, deadlocks (or deadly      247   (1)
  Synchronization                                  248   (4)
    Synchronization, semaphores                    249   (1)
    Synchronization, credit tracking               250   (1)
    Bilateral rendez-vous                          251   (1)
  Message passing                                  252   (4)
    Messages                                       253   (1)
    Message queues                                 253   (1)
    Flow control                                   254   (2)
    Clients and servers                            256   (1)
  Memory management                                256   (2)
  Summary                                          258   (3)
Chapter 9 Software Reuse By Design in Embedded     261   (20)
  Why does software reuse matter?                  262   (2)
  What limits software reuse?                      264   (3)
  Kinds of software reuse                          267   (1)
  Implementing reuse by layers                     268   (2)
  Going to the next level                          270   (1)
  Introducing the component factory                271   (1)
  Factory hardware configuration                   272   (1)
  Factory software configuration                   273   (2)
  How the factory aids reusability                 275   (1)
  RTOS agnosticism                                 276   (2)
  Arbitrary extensibility                          278   (1)
  Conclusion                                       278   (1)
  References                                       279   (2)
Chapter 10 Software Performance Engineering for    281   (32)
Embedded Systems
  Example: latency vs. throughput in an eNodeB     296   (8)
  Performance patterns and anti-patterns           304   (7)
  References                                       311   (2)
Chapter 11 Optimizing Embedded Software for        313   (30)
  The code optimization process                    314   (1)
  Using the development tools                      314   (3)
    Compiler optimization                          315   (1)
    Basic compiler configuration                   316   (1)
    Enabling optimizations                         316   (1)
    Additional optimization configurations         317   (1)
    Using the profiler                             317   (1)
  Background - understanding the embedded          317   (1)
    Resources                                      317   (1)
  Basic C optimization techniques                  318   (9)
    Choosing the right data types                  318   (1)
    Functions calling conventions                  319   (2)
    Pointers and memory access                     321   (1)
    Restrict and pointer aliasing                  322   (2)
    Loops                                          324   (2)
    Additional tips and tricks                     326   (1)
  General loop transformations                     327   (6)
    Loop unrolling                                 327   (1)
    Multisampling                                  328   (1)
    Partial summation                              329   (2)
    Software pipelining                            331   (2)
  Example application of optimization              333   (10)
  techniques: cross-correlation
    Setup                                          334   (1)
    Original implementation                        334   (2)
    Step 1: use intrinsics for fractional          336   (1)
    operations and specify loop counts
    Step 2: specify data alignment and modify      336   (2)
    for multisampling algorithm
    Step 3: assembly-language optimization         338   (5)
Chapter 12 Optimizing Embedded Software for        343   (24)
  Introduction                                     343   (1)
  Code size optimizations                          344   (12)
    Compiler flags and flag mining                 344   (1)
    Target ISA for size and performance            345   (2)
    Tuning the ABI for code size                   347   (7)
    Caveat emptor: compiler optimization           354   (2)
    orthogonal to code size!
Memory layout optimization                       356   (5)
    Overview of memory optimization                357   (1)
    Focusing optimization efforts                  357   (1)
    Vectorization and the dynamic code: compute    358   (2)
    Pointer aliasing in C                          360   (1)
  Data structures, arrays of data structures,      361   (3)
  and adding it all up!
  Loop optimizations for memory performance        364   (3)
    Data alignment's rippling effects              364   (1)
    Selecting data types for big payoffs           365   (2)
Chapter 13 Optimizing Embedded Software for        367   (50)
  Introduction                                     368   (1)
  Understanding power consumption                  369   (3)
    Basics of power consumption                    369   (1)
    Static vs. dynamic power consumption           370   (1)
    Maximum, average, worst-case, and typical      371   (1)
  Measuring power consumption                      372   (5)
    Measuring power using an ammeter               372   (1)
    Measuring power using a hall sensor type IC    373   (1)
    VRMs (voltage regulator module power supply    374   (1)
    Static power measurement                       375   (1)
    Dynamic power measurement                      375   (1)
    Profiling your application's power             376   (1)
  Minimizing power consumption                     377   (11)
    Hardware support                               378   (4)
    Clock and voltage control                      382   (1)
    Low-power example                              383   (5)
  Optimizing data flow                             388   (7)
    Reducing power consumption for memory          388   (1)
    DDR overview                                   389   (3)
    DDR data flow optimization for power           392   (1)
    Optimizing power by timing                     393   (1)
    Optimizing with interleaving                   394   (1)
    Optimizing memory software data organization   394   (1)
    Optimizing general DDR configuration           394   (1)
    Optimizing DDR burst accesses                  394   (1)
  SRAM and cache data flow optimization for        395   (8)
    SRAM (all memory) and code size                396   (1)
    SRAM power consumption and parallelization     397   (1)
    Data transitions and power consumption         397   (1)
    Cache utilization and SoC memory layout        397   (1)
    Explanation of locality                        398   (1)
    Explanation of set-associativity               399   (2)
    Memory layout for cache                        401   (1)
    Write-back vs. write-through caches            401   (1)
    Cache coherency functions                      402   (1)
    Compiler cache optimizations                   403   (1)
  Peripheral/communication utilization             403   (5)
    DMA of data vs. CPU                            405   (1)
    Coprocessors                                   406   (1)
    System bus configuration                       406   (1)
    Peripheral speed grades and bus width          407   (1)
    Peripheral to core communication               407   (1)
  Algorithmic                                      408   (8)
    Compiler optimization levels                   408   (1)
    Instruction packing                            409   (1)
    Loop unrolling revisited                       409   (1)
    Software pipelining                            410   (2)
    Eliminating recursion                          412   (3)
    Reducing accuracy                              415   (1)
    Low-power code sequences and data patterns     416   (1)
  Summary and closing remarks                      416   (1)
Chapter 14 Human Factors and User Interface        417   (24)
Design for Embedded Systems
  Analysis phase of user interface design          422   (4)
    First design iteration                         422   (1)
    Develop a second prototype (high-fidelity      423   (1)
    tool-drawn mockup)
    Essential use cases                            424   (1)
    Scenarios for user analysis                    424   (1)
    Hierarchal task analysis                       424   (1)
    Design approaches to overcome user             424   (1)
    limitations of cognition, perception, and
    Error messages                                 425   (1)
  Virtual windows                                  426   (1)
  Data models using entity relationship            427   (2)
  diagrams (ERD)
  Analysis of virtual windows using a CREDO        429   (1)
  Hueristic evaluation                             430   (1)
  Gestalts                                         431   (1)
  Designing user interfaces with Model View        432   (2)
  Controller (MVC) architecture
    Context of the MVC software architecture       433   (1)
    Problems and forces for the MVC software       433   (1)
    Solution using the MVC                         434   (1)
  Safety-critical user interfaces                  434   (6)
    Process for designing a safer HMI              435   (3)
    Guidelines for safe human-machine interface    438   (2)
  References                                       440   (1)
  Bibliography                                     440   (1)
Chapter 15 Embedded Software Quality,              441   (70)
Integration and Testing Techniques
  What is software test?                           442   (3)
    Why should we test software?                   443   (1)
    How much testing is enough?                    443   (1)
    When should testing take place?                444   (1)
    Who makes the decisions?                       445   (1)
  Available techniques                             445   (30)
    Static and dynamic analysis                    445   (5)
    Requirements traceability                      450   (5)
    Static analysis-adherence to a coding          455   (4)
    Essential knots & essential cyclomatic         459   (2)
    complexity - case study
    Understanding dynamic analysis                 461   (4)
    The legacy from high-integrity systems         465   (1)
    Defining unit, module and integration tests    465   (1)
    Defining structural coverage analysis          466   (1)
    Achieving code coverage with unit test and     467   (4)
    system test in tandem
    Retaining the functionality through            471   (1)
    regression test
    Unit test and test-driven development          471   (2)
    Automatically generating test cases            473   (2)
  Setting the standard                             475   (15)
    The terminology of standards                   475   (1)
    The evolution of a recognized process          476   (5)
    Freedom to choose adequate standards           481   (9)
  Dealing with the unusual                         490   (16)
    Working with auto-generated code               490   (1)
    Working with legacy code                       491   (4)
    Tracing requirements through to object code    495   (11)
    verification (OCV)
  Implementing a test solution environment         506   (4)
    Pragmatic considerations                       506   (1)
    Considering the alternatives                   506   (4)
  Summary and conclusions                          510   (1)
Chapter 16 Software Development Tools for          511   (52)
Embedded Systems
  Introduction to debugging tools                  512   (2)
  GDB debugging                                    514   (9)
    Configure the GDB debugger                     515   (1)
    Starting GDB                                   515   (2)
    Compiling the application                      517   (1)
    Debugging the application                      518   (2)
    Examining data                                 520   (1)
    Using breakpoints                              521   (1)
    Stepping                                       521   (1)
    Changing the program                           522   (1)
    Analyzing core dumps                           523   (1)
  Debug agent design                               523   (17)
    Use cases                                      524   (4)
    Debug agent overview                           528   (2)
    Starting the application                       530   (1)
    Context switch                                 531   (2)
    Position-independent executables               533   (2)
    Debug event from the application               535   (3)
    Multicore                                      538   (1)
    Starting the debug agent                       539   (1)
  Debugging using JTAG                             540   (5)
    Benefits of using JTAG                         541   (1)
    Board bring-up using JTAG                      542   (1)
    Comparison with the debug agent                543   (1)
    GDB and JTAG                                   544   (1)
  Debugging tools using Eclipse and GDB            545   (3)
    Linux application debug with GDB               546   (1)
    Linux kernel debug with KGDB                   547   (1)
  Instrumented code                                548   (5)
    Practical example                              550   (3)
  Analysis tools                                   553   (5)
    Strace                                         553   (1)
    Mtrace                                         554   (3)
    Vaigrind                                       557   (1)
  Hardware capabilities                            558   (2)
    Hardware breakpoints                           559   (1)
    Hardware watchpoints                           560   (1)
  Debugging tips and tricks                        560   (3)
Chapter 17 Multicore Software Development for      563   (50)
Embedded Systems
  Part 1: Analysis and high-level design           565   (1)
  Analysis                                         565   (12)
    Improving serial performance                   565   (7)
    Understand the application                     572   (5)
  High-level design                                577   (9)
    Parallel decomposition                         577   (3)
    Data dependencies                              580   (1)
    Communication and synchronization              581   (2)
    Load balancing                                 583   (1)
    Choice of algorithm                            584   (1)
    Decomposition approaches                       585   (1)
  Summary of Part 1                                586   (1)
  Part 2: Implementation and low-level design      586   (1)
  Thread-based implementations                     587   (5)
    Kernel scheduling                              588   (1)
    Pthreads                                       588   (1)
    Using PPthreads                                589   (1)
    Dealing with thread safety                     590   (1)
    Implementing synchronizations and mutual       591   (1)
  Mutexes, locks, nested locks                     592   (3)
    Mutex                                          593   (1)
    Condition variables                            593   (2)
  Granularity                                      595   (1)
    Fine-grained                                   595   (1)
    Coarse-grained                                 595   (1)
    Approach                                       595   (1)
  Implementing task parallelism                    596   (8)
    Creation and join                              596   (1)
    Parallel-pipeline computation                  597   (2)
    Divide-and-conquer scheme                      599   (1)
    Task scheduling considerations                 599   (1)
    Thread pooling                                 600   (1)
    Affinity scheduling                            600   (1)
    Event-based parallel programs                  601   (1)
    Implementing loop parallelism                  601   (1)
    Aligning computation and locality              602   (2)
  Message-passing implementations                  604   (7)
    MCAPI                                          605   (4)
    MRAPI                                          609   (1)
    MCAPI and MRAPI in multicore systems           609   (1)
    Playing-card recognition and sorting example   610   (1)
  Using a hybrid approach                          611   (1)
  References                                       612   (1)
Chapter 18 Say-Critical Software Development       613   (34)
  Introduction                                     614   (1)
  Which safety requirements?                       615   (2)
    Certification killers                          616   (1)
  Project planning strategies                      617   (4)
    Strategy 1: determine the project              617   (1)
    certification scope early
    Strategy 2: determine feasibility of           617   (1)
    Strategy 3: select an independent assessor     617   (1)
    (if used)
    Strategy 4: understand your assessor's role    617   (1)
    (if used)
    Strategy 5: assessment communication is key    618   (1)
    Strategy 6: establish a basis of               618   (1)
    Strategy 7: establish a "fit and purpose"      618   (1)
    for your product
    Strategy 8: establish a certification block    618   (1)
    Strategy 9: establish communication            619   (1)
    integrity objectives
    Strategy 10: identify all interfaces along     619   (1)
    the certification boundary
    Strategy 11: identify the key safety           619   (1)
    defensive strategies
    Strategy 12: define built in test (BIT)        619   (1)
    Strategy 13: define fault annunciation         619   (1)
    Strategy 14: define reliance and               620   (1)
    expectation of the operator/user
    Strategy 15: define plan for developing        620   (1)
    software to appropriate integrity level
    Strategy 16: define artifacts to be used as    620   (1)
    evidence of compliance
    Strategy 17: plan for labor-intensive          620   (1)
    Strategy 18: create user-level documentation   620   (1)
    Strategy 19: plan on residual activity         621   (1)
    Strategy 20: publish a well-defined            621   (1)
    certification plan
  Faults, failures, hazards, and risk analysis     621   (7)
    Faults, errors, and failures                   621   (1)
    Availability and reliability                   622   (1)
    Fault handling                                 623   (1)
    Hazard analysis                                624   (2)
    Risk analysis                                  626   (2)
  Safety-critical architectures                    628   (3)
    "Do-er"/"Check-er"                             628   (1)
    Two processors                                 629   (1)
    "Voter"                                        630   (1)
  Software implementation strategies               631   (16)
    Strategy 1: have a well-defined, repeatable    631   (1)
    peer-review process
    Strategy 2: consider using existing safety     632   (1)
    coding standards
    Strategy 3: handle all combinations of         633   (1)
    input data
    Strategy 4: specific variable value checking   634   (1)
    Strategy 5: mark safety-critical code          635   (2)
    Strategy 6: timing execution checking          637   (1)
    Strategy 7: stale data                         637   (1)
    Strategy 8: comparison of outputs              638   (1)
    Strategy 9: initialize data to least           639   (1)
    permissive state
    Strategy 10: order of execution                640   (1)
    Strategy 11: volatile data checking            641   (1)
    Strategy 12: non-volatile data checking        642   (1)
    Strategy 13: make sure the entire system       642   (2)
    can run
    Strategy 14: remove "dead" code                644   (1)
    Strategy 15: fill unused memory                645   (1)
    Strategy 16: static code analysis              645   (2)
Chapter 19 Intellectual Property                   647   (24)
  Background                                       647   (2)
  Is that software yours?                          649   (3)
    Obtaining software                             649   (1)
    Copyright protection                           650   (1)
    Getting copyright                              651   (1)
  Patents                                          652   (11)
    What is a patent?                              652   (3)
    Why do patents exist?                          655   (1)
    Deciding what to patent                        655   (2)
    Applying for a patent                          657   (1)
    What's in a patent?                            657   (5)
    Licensing patents                              662   (1)
  Problems                                         663   (8)
    Open-source software                           663   (1)
    Licensing and selling software                 664   (1)
    Getting acquired                               665   (1)
    Discovering infringement                       665   (2)
    Avoiding copyright infringement                667   (2)
    Avoiding patent infringement                   669   (2)
Chapter 20 Managing Embedded Software              671   (60)
  Capability maturity model integration            674   (4)
  The OSI model                                    678   (3)
  Software development                             681   (9)
    V-model                                        681   (5)
    Waterfall model                                686   (3)
    Agile model                                    689   (1)
  Organization                                     690   (3)
  Program charter                                  693   (1)
  Stakeholders and the core team                   694   (2)
  Product life-cycle management                    696   (2)
  Portfolio management                             698   (3)
  Project management life-cycle                    701   (10)
  Project life-cycle                               711   (13)
  Problem-solving                                  724   (1)
  Communications                                   725   (3)
  Abbreviations, symbols, acronyms                 728   (1)
  Copyright acknowledgments                        729   (1)
  References                                       730   (1)
Chapter 21 Agile Development for Embedded          731   (36)
  Introduction                                     732   (2)
  What's special about embedded systems?           734   (5)
    Fits into a system whose requirements are      735   (1)
    allocated to different engineering
    disciplines of which software is only one
    Uses specialized hardware                      736   (1)
    Is often co-developed with the hardware        736   (1)
    Constrains the selection of programming        736   (1)
    languages and tools
    Has a more challenging testing environment     737   (1)
    Must often be highly predictable               737   (1)
    Is often subject to tight timeliness           737   (1)
    Often has severe resource constraints (such    737   (1)
    as memory)
    Must often be very highly reliable and         738   (1)
    Is often subject to rigorous external          738   (1)
    Is delivered in a shipped, stand-alone         739   (1)
    Is often subject to fixed-price bids           739   (1)
  Agile project planning for embedded software     739   (8)
    Project vision                                 740   (1)
    Initial safety/reliability risk assessment     741   (3)
    Initial project risk assessment                744   (1)
    Estimating                                     745   (1)
    Scheduling                                     746   (1)
  Project governance for embedded software         747   (4)
    Stand up! (meetings)                           748   (1)
    Performance metrics                            748   (2)
    Iteration retrospective (party phase)          750   (1)
  Agile development practices for embedded         751   (8)
    Incremental development                        751   (1)
    High-fidelity modeling                         752   (2)
    Executable requirements                        754   (1)
    Test-driven development (TDD)                  754   (2)
    Continuous integration                         756   (1)
    Change management                              756   (1)
    Dynamic planning                               757   (1)
    Risk management                                758   (1)
  Scaling factors for agile                        759   (1)
  Can agile methods help you adhere to             760   (4)
  Summary                                          764   (1)
  References                                       765   (1)
  Bibliography                                     766   (1)
Chapter 22 Embedded Software for Automotive        767   (50)
  A bit of history to set the scene                769   (6)
    Auto electronics: 1911-2000                    769   (1)
    Electronic content growth drivers              770   (2)
    The resultant embedded SW growth               772   (2)
    Automotive programming languages               774   (1)
    Summary of implications                        775   (1)
  Automotive segments and how they differ          775   (7)
    Body                                           776   (1)
    Chassis and safety                             777   (1)
    Driver assistance                              778   (1)
    Powertrain and transmission                    779   (1)
    Infotainment and telematics                    780   (2)
    Automotive subsegment summary                  782   (1)
  Automotive quality                               782   (6)
    Planning for Murphy's law                      782   (1)
    Fault-tolerant communications                  783   (1)
    Fault-tolerant software                        784   (1)
    Zero-defect software                           785   (1)
    Risk management and failure modes              785   (1)
    Failure modes and effects analysis             786   (2)
  Development and test                             788   (12)
    Subsystem interoperability                     788   (3)
    Software specifications                        791   (1)
    Software architecture                          791   (3)
    Modeling                                       794   (1)
    Autocoding and drivers                         794   (1)
    Bench testing                                  795   (1)
    Trace and debug                                796   (1)
    Final-phase testing                            797   (2)
    Calibration                                    799   (1)
    Maintenance/product lifetime support           800   (1)
  Automotive diagnostics                           800   (3)
    MIL                                            800   (1)
    Data logger                                    801   (1)
    OBD II                                         802   (1)
  Automotive standards                             803   (5)
    MISRA                                          803   (1)
    AUTOSAR                                        803   (4)
    AEC                                            807   (1)
  Automotive safety                                808   (2)
    ISO 26262                                      808   (1)
    ASIL                                           809   (1)
  Automotive security                              810   (2)
    What it used to mean: car alarms etc           810   (1)
    What it means today: hacking                   811   (1)
    What it will mean tomorrow: counterfeiting     811   (1)
  The near future of the automotive market         812   (3)
    Performance                                    812   (1)
    The emergence of multicore                     812   (1)
    The connected vehicle                          813   (1)
    The automated vehicle                          814   (1)
  Conclusion                                       815   (2)
Chapter 23 Programming for I/O and Storage         817   (62)
  I/O device and I/O controller                    819   (10)
    Category of I/O devices                        819   (2)
    I/O controller                                 821   (1)
    Memory-mapped 1/0 and DMA                      822   (3)
    Flash, SD/SDHC and disk drive                  825   (3)
    Network-attached storage                       828   (1)
  I/O programming                                  829   (15)
    I/O software goals                             834   (1)
    I/O software layer                             835   (3)
    Case study: device driver in Linux             838   (6)
  Storage programming                              844   (21)
    I/O for block devices                          845   (5)
    Flash device programming                       850   (14)
    SATA device driver                             864   (1)
  Performance improvement of storage systems       865   (10)
    Case study 1: performance optimization on      866   (2)
    Case study 2: performance optimization on      868   (7)
  Summary                                          875   (2)
  Bibliography                                     877   (2)
Chapter 24 Embedded Software for Networking        879   (42)
  Introduction                                     880   (1)
  System architecture of network devices           881   (3)
    Data, control, service and management planes   882   (2)
  Multicore SoCs for networking                    884   (4)
    Cores                                          884   (1)
    Packet engine hardware (PEH) block             885   (3)
  Network programming models                       888   (3)
    Pipeline programming model                     889   (1)
    Run-to-completion programming                  890   (1)
  Structure of packet-processing software          891   (4)
    Data-plane infrastructure (DP-Infra)           893   (1)
    Structure of the forwarding engine             893   (1)
    Packet-processing application requirements     894   (1)
  Network application programming techniques       895   (19)
    Multicore performance techniques for           895   (1)
    network application programmers
    Avoid locks while looking for flow context     895   (6)
    Avoid reference counting                       901   (3)
    Safe reference mechanism                       904   (2)
    Flow parallelization                           906   (4)
    Reducing cache thrashing associated with       910   (4)
    updating statistics
    Statistics acceleration                        914   (1)
  General performance techniques for network       914   (2)
  application programmers
    Use cache effectively                          914   (1)
    Software-directed prefetching                  915   (1)
    Use likely/unlikely compiler built-ins         915   (1)
    Locking critical piece of code in caches       916   (1)
    General coding guidelines                      916   (1)
  Linux operating system for embedded network      916   (3)
    Translation lookaside huller (TLB) misses      917   (1)
    associated with user-space programming
    Access to hardware peripherals and hardware    918   (1)
    Deterministic performance                      918   (1)
  Summary                                          919   (2)
Chapter 25 Linux for Embedded Systems              921   (40)
  Introduction                                     921   (6)
    Why Linux for embedded?                        922   (1)
    Linux distributions                            923   (1)
    Embedded platforms suitable for Linux          924   (2)
    Licensing                                      926   (1)
  Getting started with Embedded Linux              927   (26)
    Memory management unit                         927   (1)
    Bootstrapper                                   927   (2)
    Bootloader                                     929   (2)
    Kernel                                         931   (19)
    Applications                                   950   (3)
  Running Linux on a reference board               953   (8)
    Reference platforms                            953   (1)
    Starting with BeagleBone                       953   (8)
Appendix 1: 'C' Syntax Coding Standard: Source     961   (58)
Code Development
Appendix 2: On the C ++ Programming Language       1019  (8)
for Embedded Software, Systems, and Platforms
Case Study 1: Software Performance Engineering     1027  (16)
Case Study 2: A User Interface: Police Command     1043  (46)
and Control System
Case Study 3: Transitioning to Multicore           1089  (12)
Case Study 4: Software Engineering for Embedded    1101  (24)
Systems Quality and Metrics Program
Index                                              1125


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