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Network and System Security
发布日期:2015-09-17  浏览

Network and System Security

[Book Description]

Network and System Security provides focused coverage of network and system security technologies. It explores practical solutions to a wide range of network and systems security issues. Chapters are authored by leading experts in the field and address the immediate and long-term challenges in the authors' respective areas of expertise. Coverage includes building a secure organization, cryptography, system intrusion, UNIX and Linux security, Internet security, intranet security, LAN security; wireless network security, cellular network security, RFID security, and more. Chapters contributed by leaders in the field covering foundational and practical aspects of system and network security, providing a new level of technical expertise not found elsewhere. It features comprehensive and updated coverage of the subject area allows the reader to put current technologies to work. It presents methods of analysis and problem solving techniques, enhancing the reader's grasp of the material and ability to implement practical solutions.

[Table of Contents]
Acknowledgments                                    viii
About the Editor ix
Contributors x
Introduction xi
1 Detecting System Intrusions 1 (28)
Almantas Kakareka
1 Introduction 1 (1)
2 Monitoring Key Files in the System 1 (1)
3 Security Objectives 2 (5)
4 0day Attacks 7 (2)
5 Good Known State 9 (2)
6 Rootkits 11 (2)
7 Low Hanging Fruit 13 (1)
8 Antivirus Software 13 (1)
9 Homegrown Intrusion Detection 13 (1)
10 Full-Packet Capture Devices 14 (3)
11 Out-of-Band Attack Vectors 17 (2)
12 Security Awareness Training 19 (1)
13 Data Correlation 19 (1)
14 SIEM 20 (1)
15 Other Weird Stuff on the System 21 (1)
16 Detection 22 (1)
17 Network-Based Detection of System 23 (1)
Intrusions (DSIs)
18 Summary 24 (5)
Chapter Review Questions/Exercises 25 (1)
Exercise 26 (1)
References 27 (2)
2 Preventing System Intrusions 29 (28)
Michael West
1 So, What is an Intrusion? 31 (1)
2 Sobering Numbers 32 (1)
3 Know Your Enemy: Hackers versus Crackers 33 (1)
4 Motives 34 (1)
5 The Crackers' Tools of the Trade 35 (2)
6 Bots 37 (1)
7 Symptoms of Intrusions 38 (1)
8 What Can You Do? 39 (4)
9 Security Policies 43 (1)
10 Risk Analysis 44 (1)
11 Tools of Your Trade 45 (4)
12 Controlling User Access 49 (3)
13 Intrusion Prevention Capabilities 52 (1)
14 Summary 53 (4)
Chapter Review Questions/Exercises 54 (1)
Exercise 55 (2)
3 Guarding Against Network Intrusions 57 (26)
Thomas M. Chen
Patrick J. Walsh
1 Traditional Reconnaissance and Attacks 57 (5)
2 Malicious Software 62 (4)
3 Defense in Depth 66 (1)
4 Preventive Measures 67 (7)
5 Intrusion Monitoring and Detection 74 (3)
6 Reactive Measures 77 (2)
7 Network-Based Intrusion Protection 79 (1)
8 Summary 80 (3)
Chapter Review Questions/Exercises 80 (1)
Exercise 81 (2)
4 Securing Cloud Computing Systems 83 (44)
Cem Gurkok
1 Cloud Computing Essentials: Examining 83 (10)
the Cloud Layers
2 Software as a Service (SaaS): Managing 93 (2)
Risks in the Cloud
3 Platform as a Service (PaaS): Securing 95 (5)
the Platform
4 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) 100 (7)
5 Leveraging Provider-Specific Security 107 (3)
6 Achieving Security in a Private Cloud 110 (6)
7 Meeting Compliance Requirements 116 (6)
8 Preparing for Disaster Recovery 122 (2)
9 Summary 124 (3)
Chapter Review Questions/Exercises 124 (2)
Exercise 126 (1)
References 126 (1)
5 Unix and Linux Security 127 (28)
Gerald Beuchelt
1 Unix and Security 128 (1)
2 Basic Unix Security Overview 129 (6)
3 Achieving Unix Security 135 (1)
4 Protecting User Accounts and 136 (5)
Strengthening Authentication
5 Limiting Superuser Privileges 141 (1)
6 Securing Local and Network File Systems 142 (4)
7 Network Configuration 146 (3)
8 Improving the Security of Linux and 149 (1)
Unix Systems
9 Additional Resources 150 (2)
10 Summary 152 (3)
Chapter Review Questions/Exercises 152 (2)
Exercise 154 (1)
6 Eliminating the Security Weakness of 155 (24)
Linux and Unix Operating Systems
Mario Santana
1 Introduction to Linux and Unix 155 (7)
2 Hardening Linux and Unix 162 (11)
3 Proactive Defense for Linux and Unix 173 (3)
4 Summary 176 (3)
Chapter Review Questions/Exercises 176 (1)
Exercise 177 (2)
7 Internet Security 179 (42)
Jesse Walker
1 Internet Protocol Architecture 179 (11)
2 An Internet Threat Model 190 (9)
3 Defending against Attacks on the 199 (18)
4 Internet Security Checklist 217 (1)
5 Summary 218 (3)
Chapter Review Questions/Exercises 219 (1)
Exercise 220 (1)
8 Intranet Security 221 (38)
Bill Mansoor
1 Smartphones and Tablets in the Intranet 226 (7)
2 Security Considerations 233 (2)
3 Plugging the Gaps: NAC and Access 235 (2)
4 Measuring Risk: Audits 237 (3)
5 Guardian at the Gate: Authentication 240 (1)
and Encryption
6 Wireless Network Security 241 (2)
7 Shielding the Wire: Network Protection 243 (2)
8 Weakest Link in Security: User Training 245 (1)
9 Documenting the Network: Change 245 (1)
10 Rehearse the Inevitable: Disaster 246 (3)
11 Controlling Hazards: Physical and 249 (2)
Environmental Protection
12 Know Your Users: Personnel Security 251 (1)
13 Protecting Data Flow: Information and 252 (1)
System Integrity
14 Security Assessments 253 (1)
15 Risk Assessments 254 (1)
16 Intranet Security Implementation 254 (1)
Process Checklist
17 Summary 255 (4)
Chapter Review Questions/Exercises 256 (1)
Exercise 257 (2)
9 Local Area Network Security 259 (32)
Dr. Pramod Pandya
1 Identify Network Threats 260 (1)
2 Establish Network Access Controls 261 (1)
3 Risk Assessment 262 (1)
4 Listing Network Resources 262 (1)
5 Threats 263 (1)
6 Security Policies 263 (1)
7 The Incident-Handling Process 264 (1)
8 Secure Design Through Network Access 264 (1)
9 IDS Defined 265 (1)
10 NIDS: Scope and Limitations 266 (1)
11 A Practical Illustration of NIDS 267 (6)
12 Firewalls 273 (2)
13 Dynamic NAT Configuration 275 (1)
14 The Perimeter 276 (1)
15 Access List Details 277 (1)
16 Types of Firewalls 278 (1)
17 Packet Filtering: IP Filtering Routers 279 (1)
18 Application-Layer Firewalls: Proxy 279 (1)
19 Stateful Inspection Firewalls 279 (1)
20 NIDS Complements Firewalls 279 (1)
21 Monitor and Analyze System Activities 280 (1)
22 Signature Analysis 281 (1)
23 Statistical Analysis 281 (1)
24 Signature Algorithms 282 (4)
25 Local Area Network Security 286 (1)
Countermeasures Implementation Checklist
26 Summary 287 (4)
Chapter Review Questions/Exercises 288 (1)
Exercise 289 (2)
10 Wireless Network Security 291 (28)
Chunming Rong
Gansen Zhao
Liang Yan
Erdal Cayirci
Hongbing Cheng
1 Cellular Networks 292 (2)
2 Wireless Ad hoc Networks 294 (3)
3 Security Protocols 297 (1)
4 WEP 297 (5)
5 Secure Routing 302 (2)
6 ARAN 304 (1)
7 SLSP 305 (1)
8 Key Establishment 306 (3)
9 ING 309 (3)
10 Management Countermeasures 312 (1)
11 Summary 313 (6)
Chapter Review Questions/Exercises 314 (1)
Exercise 315 (1)
References 316 (3)
11 Cellular Network Security 319 (34)
Peng Liu
Thomas F. Laporta
Kameswari Kotapati
1 Introduction 319 (1)
2 Overview of Cellular Networks 320 (4)
3 The State of the Art of Cellular 324 (4)
Network Security
4 Cellular Network Attack Taxonomy 328 (7)
5 Cellular Network Vulnerability Analysis 335 (12)
6 Summary 347 (6)
Chapter Review Questions/Exercises 348 (1)
Exercise 349 (1)
References 350 (3)
12 Rfid Security 353 (28)
Chunming Rong
Gansen Zhao
Liang Yan
Erdal Cayirci
Hongbing Cheng
1 RFID Introduction 353 (6)
2 RFID Challenges 359 (6)
3 RFID Protections 365 (10)
4 Summary 375 (6)
Chapter Review Questions/Exercises 376 (1)
Exercise 377 (1)
References 378 (3)
13 Optical Wireless Security 381 (10)
Scott R. Ellis
1 Optical Wireless Systems Overview 381 (2)
2 Deployment Architectures 383 (2)
3 High Bandwidth 385 (1)
4 Low Cost 385 (1)
5 Implementation 385 (1)
6 Surface Area 386 (2)
7 Summary 388 (3)
Chapter Review Questions/Exercises 389 (1)
Exercise 390 (1)
Index 391



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