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MySQL High Availability
发布日期:2015-10-09  浏览

MySQL High Availability

[Book Description]

Server bottlenecks and failures are a fact of life in any database deployment, but they don’t have to bring everything to a halt. This practical book explains replication, cluster, and monitoring features that can help protect your MySQL system from outages, whether it’s running on hardware, virtual machines, or in the cloud.


Written by engineers who designed many of the tools covered, this book reveals undocumented or hard-to-find aspects of MySQL reliability and high availability—knowledge that’s essential for any organization using this database system. This second edition describes extensive changes to MySQL tools. Versions up to 5.5 are covered, along with several 5.6 features.


Learn replication fundamentals, including use of the binary log and MySQL Replicant Library

Handle failing components through redundancy

Scale out to manage read-load increases, and use data sharding to handle large databases and write-load increases

Store and replicate data on individual nodes with MySQL Cluster

Monitor database activity and performance, and major operating system parameters

Keep track of masters and slaves, and deal with failures and restarts, corruption, and other incidents

Examine tools including MySQL Enterprise Monitor, MySQL Utilities, and GTIDs

[Table of Contents]
Foreword for the Second Edition                    xv
Foreword for the First Edition                     xix
Preface                                            xxi
Part I. High Availability and Scalability
  1 Introduction                                   3  (8)
    What's This Replication Stuff, Anyway?         5  (2)
    So, Backups Are Not Needed Then?               7  (1)
    What's With All the Monitoring?                7  (1)
    Is There Anything Else I Can Read?             8  (1)
    Conclusion                                     9  (2)
  2 MySQL Replicant Library                        11 (12)
    Basic Classes and Functions                    15 (1)
    Supporting Different Operating Systems         16 (1)
    Servers                                        17 (2)
    Server Roles                                   19 (2)
    Conclusion                                     21 (2)
  3 MySQL Replication Fundamentals                 23 (28)
    Basic Steps in Replication                     24 (5)
      Configuring the Master                       25 (2)
      Configuring the Slave                        27 (1)
      Connecting the Master and Slave              28 (1)
    A Brief Introduction to the Binary Log         29 (6)
      What's Recorded in the Binary Log            30 (1)
      Watching Replication in Action               30 (3)
      The Binary Log's Structure and Content       33 (2)
    Adding Slaves                                  35 (7)
      Cloning the Master                           37 (2)
      Cloning a Slave                              39 (2)
      Scripting the Clone Operation                41 (1)
    Performing Common Tasks with Replication       42 (7)
      Reporting                                    43 (6)
    Conclusion                                     49 (2)
  4 The Binary Log                                 51 (72)
    Structure of the Binary Log                    52 (6)
      Binlog Event Structure                       54 (2)
      Event Checksums                              56 (2)
    Logging Statements                             58 (28)
      Logging Data Manipulation Language           58 (1)
      Logging Data Definition Language             59 (1)
      Logging Queries                              59 (6)
      LOAD DATA INFILE Statements                  65 (2)
      Binary Log Filters                           67 (3)
      Triggers, Events, and Stored Routines        70 (5)
      Stored Procedures                            75 (3)
      Stored Functions                             78 (3)
      Events                                       81 (1)
      Special Constructions                        82 (1)
      Nontransactional Changes and Error           83 (3)
    Logging Transactions                           86 (11)
      Transaction Cache                            87 (4)
      Distributed Transaction Processing Using     91 (3)
      Binary Log Group Commit                      94 (3)
    Row-Based Replication                          97 (3)
      Enabling Row-based Replication               98 (1)
      Using Mixed Mode                             99 (1)
    Binary Log Management                          100(5)
      The Binary Log and Crash Safety              100(1)
      Binlog File Rotation                         101(2)
      Incidents                                    103(1)
      Purging the Binlog File                      104(1)
    The mysqlbinlog Utility                        105(13)
      Basic Usage                                  106(7)
      Interpreting Events                          113(5)
    Binary Log Options and Variables               118(3)
      Options for Row-Based Replication            120(1)
    Conclusion                                     121(2)
  5 Replication for High Availability              123(30)
    Redundancy                                     124(2)
    Planning                                       126(2)
      Slave Failures                               127(1)
      Master Failures                              127(1)
      Relay Failures                               127(1)
      Disaster Recovery                            127(1)
    Procedures                                     128(23)
      Hot Standby                                  130(5)
      Dual Masters                                 135(10)
      Slave Promotion                              145(4)
      Circular Replication                         149(2)
    Conclusion                                     151(2)
  6 MySQI Replication for Scale-Out                153(36)
    Scaling Out Reads, Not Writes                  155(1)
    The Value of Asynchronous Replication          156(2)
    Managing the Replication Topology              158(12)
      Application-Level Load Balancing             162(8)
    Hierarchical Replication                       170(3)
      Setting Up a Relay Server                    171(1)
      Adding a Relay in Python                     172(1)
    Specialized Slaves                             173(4)
      Filtering Replication Events                 174(2)
      Using Filtering to Partition Events to       176(1)
    Managing Consistency of Data                   177(10)
      Consistency in a Nonhierarchical             178(2)
      Consistency in a Hierarchical Deployment     180(7)
    Conclusion                                     187(2)
  7 Data Sharding                                  189(38)
    What Is Sharding?                              190(4)
      Why Should You Shard?                        191(1)
      Limitations of Sharding                      192(2)
    Elements of a Sharding Solution                194(3)
      High-Level Sharding Architecture             196(1)
    Partitioning the Data                          197(9)
      Shard Allocation                             202(4)
    Mapping the Sharding Key                       206(9)
      Sharding Scheme                              206(4)
      Shard Mapping Functions                      210(5)
    Processing Queries and Dispatching             215(5)
      Handling Transactions                        216(2)
      Dispatching Queries                          218(2)
    Shard Management                               220(5)
      Moving a Shard to a Different Node           220(5)
      Splitting Shards                             225(1)
    Conclusion                                     225(2)
  8 Replication Deep Dive                          227(64)
    Replication Architecture Basics                228(7)
      The Structure of the Relay Log               229(4)
      The Replication Threads                      233(1)
      Starting and Stopping the Slave Threads      234(1)
    Running Replication over the Internet          235(4)
      Setting Up Secure Replication Using          237(1)
      Built-in Support
      Setting Up Secure Replication Using          238(1)
    Finer-Grained Control Over Replication         239(9)
      Information About Replication Status         239(9)
    Options for Handling Broken Connections        248(1)
    How the Slave Processes Events                 249(8)
      Housekeeping in the I/O Thread               249(1)
      SQL Thread Processing                        250(7)
    Semisynchronous Replication                    257(3)
      Configuring Semisynchronous Repli



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