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Designing with Objects : Object-Oriented Design Patterns Explained with Stories from Harry Potter
发布日期:2015-12-03  浏览

Designing with Objects : Object-Oriented Design Patterns Explained with Stories from Harry Potter


With an innovative approach to a vital topic in software development, author Avinash Kak demonstrates the key concepts of object-oriented design. Designing with Objects explains the intricacies of design patterns, like Abstract Factory, Builder, Singleton, Adaptor, Bridge, and others, but it does so with flair. Each chapter brims with examples from Harry Potter stories to comprise a thorough, digestible reference for engineering students and programmers.


Preface                                            xiv
Acknowledgments                                    xix
  1 Why Learn Design Patterns and Why Do So        1  (18)
  with Help from Harry Potter?
    1.1 The OO Design Patterns "Bible" by GoF      2  (2)
    1.2 But What Has Harry Potter Got to Do        4  (2)
    with OO Design Patterns?
    1.3 Is Familiarity with Harry Potter a         6  (1)
    Requirement for Understanding This Book?
    1.4 How the Pattern Explanations are           7  (1)
    1.5 The Terminology of Object-Oriented         7  (5)
    1.6 The UML Notation Used in the Class         12 (9)
      1.6.1 Association as a Relationship          14 (1)
      Between Classes
      1.6.2 Aggregation and Composition as         15 (1)
      Relationships Between Classes
      1.6.3 Representing Attributes                16 (1)
      1.6.4 Representing Operations                17 (2)
I Creational Patterns                              19 (80)
  2 Abstract Factory                               21 (17)
    2.1 The Concept of a Factory in Software       21 (1)
    2.2 Intent and Applicability                   22 (1)
    2.3 Introduction to the Abstract Factory       22 (1)
    2.4 The Abstract Factory Pattern in            23 (1)
    Real-World Applications
    2.5 Harry Potter Story Used to Illustrate      23 (2)
    the Abstract Factory Pattern
    2.6 A Top Level View of the Pattern            25 (2)
    2.7 The Abstract Class Factory                 27 (1)
    2.8 The Helper Class FactoryStore              27 (3)
    2.9 The Abstract Class Enchanted               30 (1)
    2.10 The Concrete Classes for Magical          31 (1)
    2.11 The Concrete Factory Classes              32 (2)
    2.12 The Client Class Diagon AlleyRetailer     34 (2)
    2.13 Playing with the Code                     36 (2)
  3 Builder                                        38 (21)
    3.1 Building Complex Objects                   38 (1)
    3.2 Intent and Applicability                   39 (1)
    3.3 Introduction to the Builder Pattern        39 (2)
    3.4 The Builder Pattern in Real-World          41 (1)
    3.5 Harry Potter Story Used to Illustrate      42 (1)
    the Builder Pattern
    3.6 A Top-Level View of the Pattern            43 (2)
    3.7 The Abstract Class PotionMaker             45 (1)
    3.8 The Concrete Extensions of PotionMaker     46 (6)
    3.9 The Director Class                         52 (2)
    3.10 The Potion Class                          54 (1)
    3.11 The Ingredient Class                      55 (1)
    3.12 The PotionMakingFeasibilityViolation      55 (1)
    3.13 The Client Class                          55 (1)
    3.14 Playing with the Code                     56 (3)
  4 Factory Method                                 59 (14)
    4.1 Revisiting the Concept of a Factory in     59 (1)
    4.2 Intent and Applicability                   60 (1)
    4.3 Introduction to the Factory Method         60 (1)
    4.4 The Factory Method Pattern in              61 (1)
    Real-World Applications
    4.5 Harry Potter Story Used to Illustrate      62 (1)
    the Factory Method Pattern
    4.6 A Top Level View of the Pattern            63 (2)
    4.7 The Enchanted Class Hierarchy              65 (3)
    4.8 The ArtifactFactory Class Hierarchy and    68 (2)
    the Factory Methods Contained Therein
    4.9 The Client Class                           70 (1)
    4.10 Playing with the Code                     71 (2)
  5 Prototype                                      73 (17)
    5.1 Why Not Make New Objects by Copying Old    73 (1)
    5.2 Intent and Applicability                   74 (1)
    5.3 Introduction to the Prototype Pattern      74 (3)
    5.4 The Prototype Pattern in Real-World        77 (1)
    5.5 Harry Potter Story Used to Illustrate      78 (1)
    The Prototype Pattern
    5.6 A Top Level View of the Pattern            79 (2)
    5.7 The Dragon Class                           81 (3)
    5.8 The PrototypeManagerAndDuplicator Class    84 (3)
    5.9 The DragonAficionado Class                 87 (1)
    5.10 The UnknownDragonException Class          88 (1)
    5.11 Playing with the Code                     88 (2)
  6 Singleton                                      90 (9)
    6.1 Singular Objects                           90 (1)
    6.2 Intent and Applicability                   90 (1)
    6.3 Introduction to the Singleton Pattern      91 (1)
    6.4 The Singleton Pattern in Real-World        91 (1)
    6.5 Harry Potter Story Used to Illustrate      92 (1)
    the Singleton Pattern
    6.6 A Top Level View of the Pattern            92 (1)
    6.7 The MinisterForMagic Class                 93 (1)
    6.8 The TestSingleton Class                    94 (1)
    6.9 Variations on the Singleton Pattern        95 (2)
    6.10 Playing with the Code                     97 (2)
II Structural Patterns                             99 (150)
  7 Adapter                                        101(21)
    7.1 Getting Things to Work Together            101(1)
    7.2 Intent and Applicability                   102(1)
    7.3 Introduction to the Adapter Pattern        102(1)
    7.4 The Adapter Pattern in Real-World          103(1)
    7.5 Harry Potter Story Used to Illustrate      104(1)
    the Adapter Pattern
    7.6 A Top Level View of the Pattern            104(2)
    7.7 The Target Interface: TeachingDADA         106(1)
    7.8 The TeacherForDADA Class                   107(1)
    7.9 The AdapterForSafeTeaching Class           108(2)
    7.10 The Client Class SchoolOfMagic            110(1)
    7.11 Object Adapter                            111(2)
    7.12 Pluggable Adapter                         113(6)
    7.13 Playing with the Code                     119(3)
  8 Bridge                                         122(20)
    8.1 Concepts and Their Implementation          122(1)
    8.2 Intent and Applicability                   123(1)
    8.3 Introduction to the Bridge Pattern         123(3)
    8.4 The Bridge Pattern in Real-World           126(1)
    8.5 Harry Potter Story Used to Illustrate      127(3)
    the Bridge Pattern
    8.6 A Top Level View of the Pattern            130(1)
    8.7 The Humanoid Class                         130(2)
    8.8 The Dementor, Goblin, and HouseElf         132(2)
    8.9 The Humanoid_Imp Class                     134(3)
    8.10 Implementation Classes for the            137(2)
    Dementor, Goblin, and HouseElf Classes
    8.11 The Client Class MinistryOfMagic          139(1)
    8.12 Playing with the Code                     140(2)
  9 Composite                                      142(19)
    9.1 Relationships That Loop Back               142(1)
    9.2 Intent and Applicability                   143(1)
    9.3 Introduction to the Composite Pattern      144(1)
    9.4 The Composite Pattern in Real-World        145(1)
    9.5 Harry Potter Story Used to Illustrate      146(1)
    the Composite Pattern
    9.6 A Top Level View of the Pattern            147(1)
    9.7 The WizardTraits Interface                 148(1)
    9.8 The Wizard Class                           149(3)
    9.9 The Auror Class                            152(1)
    9.10 The Obliviator Class                      153(2)
    9.11 The DepartmentHead Class                  155(1)
    9.12 The Minister for Magic Class              156(2)
    9.13 The Client Class Test                     158(1)
    9.14 Playing with the Code                     159(2)
  10 Decorator                                     161(14)
    10.1 Onion as a Metaphor                       161(1)
    10.2 Intent and Applicability                  162(1)
    10.3 Introduction to the Decorator Pattern     162(2)
    10.4 The Decorator Pattern in Real-World       164(1)
    10.5 Harry Potter Story Used to Illustrate     165(3)
    the Decorator Pattern
    10.6 A Top Level View of the Pattern           168(2)
    10.7 The CoreMessageDeliveryClass Class        170(1)
    10.8 The Decorator Classes                     170(2)
    10.9 The Client Class Test                     172(1)
    10.10 Playing with the Code                    173(2)
  11 Facade                                        175(37)
    11.1 Hiding Complexity                         175(1)
    11.2 Intent and Applicability                  175(1)
    11.3 Introduction to the Facade Pattern        176(1)
    11.4 The Facade Pattern in Real-World          177(1)
    11.5 Harry Potter Story Used to Illustrate     177(2)
    the Facade Pattern
    11.6 A Top Level View of the Pattern           179(2)
    11.7 The Abstract Root Class Facade            181(2)
    11.8 The Network Class                         183(10)
    11.9 The Node, Link, and Path Classes          193(5)
    11.10 The Three Concrete Facade Classes        198(5)
    11.11 Testing the Demonstration Code           203(4)
    11.12 Playing with the Code                    207(5)
  12 Flyweight                                     212(18)
    12.1 The Idea of Customized Duplications       212(1)
    12.2 Intent and Applicability                  213(1)
    12.3 Introduction to the Flyweight Pattern     213(1)
    12.4 The Flyweight Pattern in Real-World       214(1)
    12.5 Harry Potter Story Used to Illustrate     214(1)
    the Flyweight Pattern
    12.6 A Top Level View of the Pattern           215(3)
    12.7 The HeadMasterPortrait Class              218(1)
    12.8 The FlyweightlmageStore Class             218(1)
    12.9 The ImageManager Class                    219(6)
    12.10 The PortraitBorderChoices Class          225(1)
    12.11 The ImageNotAvailableException Class     226(1)
    12.12 The PortraitMakerAssignment Class        226(2)
    12.13 Playing with the Code                    228(1)
    12.14 Acknowledgment                           229(1)
  13 Proxy                                         230(19)
    13.1 Is It Always Necessary to Have the        230(1)
    Real Thing?
    13.2 Intent and Applicability                  230(1)
    13.3 Introduction to the Proxy Pattern         231(1)
    13.4 The Proxy Pattern in Real-World           232(1)
    13.5 Harry Potter Story Used to Illustrate     233(2)
    the Proxy Pattern
    13.6 A Top Level View of the Pattern           235(1)
    13.7 The Abstract Class Wizard                 235(2)
    13.8 The DarkWizardTraits Interface            237(1)
    13.9 The DarkWizard Class                      238(4)
    13.10 The DarkLord Class                       242(3)
    13.11 The ClientClass Class                    245(1)
    13.12 Playing with the Code                    246(3)
III Behavioral Patterns                            249(224)
  14 Chain of Responsibility                       253(19)
    14.1 Passing the Buck                          253(1)
    14.2 Intent and Applicability                  254(1)
    14.3 Introduction to the Chain of              254(1)
    Responsibility Pattern
    14.4 The Chain of Responsibility Pattern in    255(1)
    Real-World Applications
    14.5 Harry Potter Story Used to Illustrate     256(2)
    the Chain of Responsibility Pattern
    14.6 A Top Level View of the Pattern           258(2)
    14.7 The Interface Class Violations            260(1)
    14.8 The Abstract Class Adjudicator            261(2)
    14.9 The Player Class                          263(2)
    14.10 The Classes with the Authority to        265(3)
    Resolve Violations
    14.11 Testing the Code                         268(1)
    14.12 Playing with the Code                    269(3)
  15 Command                                       272(18)
    15.1 Actions Versus the Actors                 272(1)
    15.2 Intent and Applicability                  273(1)
    15.3 Introduction to the Command Pattern       274(1)
    15.4 The Command Pattern in Real-World         274(2)
    15.5 Harry Potter Story Used to Illustrate     276(1)
    the Command Pattern
    15.6 A Top Level View of the Pattern           277(2)
    15.7 The Command Interface                     279(1)
    15.8 The MyPlaces Interface                    279(1)
    15.9 The ProtectHarryPotter Class              279(3)
    15.10 The Wizard Class                         282(2)
    15.11 The Squib Class                          284(1)
    15.12 The Invoker Class                        285(1)
    15.13 The                                      286(1)
    UnableToProtectHarryPotterException Class
    15.14 The Client Class                         286(2)
    15.15 Playing with the Code                    288(2)
  16 Interpreter                                   290(31)
    16.1 Parsing versus Interpretation             290(2)
    16.2 Intent and Applicability                  292(1)
    16.3 Introduction to the Interpreter Pattern   292(1)
    16.4 The Interpreter Pattern in Real-World     293(1)
    16.5 Harry Potter Story Used to Illustrate     294(2)
    the Interpreter Pattern
    16.6 A Parser Front-End for the Interpreter    296(8)
    16.7 A Top Level View of the Pattern           304(3)
    16.8 The Driver Class                          307(3)
    16.9 The Interpreter_Sentence Class            310(2)
    16.10 The Worker Classes for Interpretation    312(3)
    16.11 The Utility Class ShowSyntaxTree         315(1)
    16.12 Playing with the Code                    316(5)
  17 Iterator                                      321(32)
    17.1 Storing Object Collections and            321(2)
    Interacting with Them
    17.2 Intent and Applicability                  323(1)
    17.3 Introduction to the Iterator Pattern      323(1)
    17.4 The Iterator Pattern in Real-World        324(1)
    17.5 Harry Potter Story Used to Illustrate     325(1)
    the Iterator Pattern
    17.6 A Top Level View of the Pattern           326(2)
    17.7 A Utility Interface for Demonstrating     328(2)
    the Iterator Pattern
    17.8 The Iterator Interface                    330(1)
    17.9 The Fresher Class                         330(4)
    17.10 The SortingHat Class                     334(10)
    17.11 The MagicCollection Interface            344(1)
    17.12 The MagicList and MagicSet Classes       344(5)
    17.13 The Class Range                          349(1)
    17.14 Playing with the Code                    349(3)
    17.15 Credits                                  352(1)
  18 Mediator                                      353(18)
    18.1 The Role of Mediation in Collaborative    353(1)
    Problem Solving
    18.2 Intent and Applicability                  354(1)
    18.3 Introduction to the Mediator Pattern      354(1)
    18.4 The Mediator Pattern in Real-World        355(2)
    18.5 Harry Potter Story Used to Illustrate     357(1)
    the Mediator Pattern
    18.6 A Top Level View of the Pattern357(2)
    18.7 The Abstract Class Mediator               359(1)
    18.8 The Interface TrialElements               360(1)
    18.9 The MinistryOfMagicTrialMediator Class    361(5)
    18.10 The Witness Class                        366(1)
    18.11 The Trial Interface                      367(1)
    18.12 The Harry PotterTrial Class              367(2)
    18.13 Playing with the Code                    369(2)
  19 Memento                                       371(15)
    19.1 Recalling the Past                        371(1)
    19.2 Intent and Applicability                  372(1)
    19.3 Introduction to the Memento Pattern       372(2)
    19.4 The Memento Pattern in Real-World         374(1)
    19.5 Harry Potter Story Used to Illustrate     374(3)
    the Memento Pattern
    19.6 A Top Level View of the Pattern           377(1)
    19.7 The HogwartsHappening Class and The       378(2)
    Inner Memento Class
    19.8 The Client Class                          380(4)
    19.9 Playing with the Code                     384(2)
  20 Observer                                      386(19)
    20.1 Subscription-Based Broadcasting           386(1)
    20.2 Intent and Applicability                  387(1)
    20.3 Introduction to the Observer Pattern      387(1)
    20.4 The Observer Pattern in Real-World        388(1)
    20.5 Harry Potter Story Used to Illustrate     389(2)
    the Observer Pattern
    20.6 A Top Level View of the Pattern           391(1)
    20.7 The Observer Interface                    391(2)
    20.8 The Observable Interface                  393(1)
    20.9 The DarkLord Class                        393(3)
    20.10 The DeathEater Class                     396(3)
    20.11 The GodProcess Class                     399(2)
    20.12 Playing with the Code                    401(4)
  21 State                                         405(16)
    21.1 Contextual Dependence of Behaviors        405(1)
    21.2 Intent and Applicability                  406(1)
    21.3 Introduction to the State Pattern         406(1)
    21.4 The State Pattern in Real-World           406(1)
    21.5 Harry Potter Story Used to Illustrate     407(1)
    the State Pattern
    21.6 A Top Level View of the Pattern           408(2)
    21.7 The DADA_State Interface                  410(1)
    21.8 The Year-by-Year Implementation           411(6)
    Classes for the State
    21.9 The TeachingDADA Class                    417(1)
    21.10 The Hogwarts Class                       418(1)
    21.11 Playing with the Code                    419(2)
  22 Strategy                                      421(16)
    22.1 Strategies in the Pursuit of Goals        421(1)
    22.2 Intent and Applicability                  422(1)
    22.3 Introduction to the Strategy Pattern      422(1)
    22.4 The Strategy Pattern in Real-World        423(1)
    22.5 Harry Potter Story Used to Illustrate     424(1)
    the Strategy Pattern
    22.6 A Top Level View of the Pattern           425(3)
    22.7 The Abstract Root Class for               428(1)
    Strategies: StrategyAbstractRoot
    22.8 The Concrete Strategy Classes             429(3)
    22.9 The Champion Class                        432(2)
    22.10 The SecondTaskManager Class              434(2)
    22.11 Playing with the Code                    436(1)
  23 Template Method                               437(16)
    23.1 Customizable Recipes                      437(1)
    23.2 Intent and Applicability                  438(1)
    23.3 Introduction to the Template Method       438(2)
    23.4 The Template Method Pattern in            440(1)
    Real-World Applications
    23.5 Harry Potter Story Used to Illustrate     441(1)
    the Template Method Pattern
    23.6 A Top Level View of the Pattern           442(2)
    23.7 The Abstract Root of Narrative            444(1)
    Generation Classes
    23.8 Concrete Classes for Narrative            445(4)
    23.9 The Executable Class                      449(1)
    23.10 Playing with the Code                    450(3)
  24 Visitor                                       453(20)
    24.1 Hooks, Good and Evil                      453(1)
    24.2 Intent and Applicability                  454(1)
    24.3 Introduction to the Visitor Pattern       454(3)
    24.4 The Visitor Pattern in Real-World         457(1)
    24.5 Harry Potter Story Used to Illustrate     457(2)
    the Visitor Pattern
    24.6 A Top Level View of the Pattern           459(1)
    24.7 The Visitor Interface                     460(2)
    24.8 Two Concrete Implementations of the       462(1)
    Visitor Interface
    24.9 A Re-Implementation of the Wizard         463(6)
    Hierarchy of the Composite Pattern
    24.10 The Executable Class Client              469(1)
    24.11 Playing with the Code                    470(3)
References                                         473(1)
Index                                              474


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