【内容简介】INSTRUMENTATION: Theory and Applications discusses the interfacing of industrial systems involving physical variables, with measuring, processing, decision making, monitoring, recording, networked data transfer and control systems. Based on the experience of teaching instrumentation over the years the pedagogy of engineering education has been adopted, in deference to the approach followed by most texts available. The theory is presented first followed by applications in a systematic manner with a number of examples. An exhaustive coverage of sensors & transducers, signal conditioning including amplifiers, active filters, signal converters, data converters and linearization of characteristics and networking have been included for graduating engineers of all disciplines and use of practicing engineers for self-study. The language, mathematics and electronics have been deliberately kept simple for the reader to enjoy the subject matter.
【目录】Preface / Fundamentals of Measurements and Instrumentation: Instrumentation Systems / System Specifications and Tools for Analysis / Measurement Principles / Transducer Instrumentation: Sensors and Transducers / Passive Transducers / Active and Digital Transducers / Transducers for Industrial Applications / Electronic Instrumentation: Signal Conditioning and Data Conversion / Telemetry and Networked Systems / Appendices / Subject Index.