
蔡洪能 教授






性别 学历 博士研究生
学位 博士 职称 教授
部门 材料学院 单位 西安交通大学
联系方式 hntsai@mailxjtu.edu.cn


1. 1991-02 1994-05, 西安交通大学, 机械工程系,博士,导师:史耀武

2. 1986-09 1989-12, 西安交通大学, 机械工程系,硕士,导师:唐慕尧

3. 1983-09 1986-07, 西安交通大学, 机械工程系,学士,导师:唐慕尧


1. 2013-01 至 今, 西安交通大学, 材料科学与工程学院, 教授

2. 2003-01 2012-12, 西安交通大学, 材料科学与工程学院, 副教授

3. 2006-10 2008-09, 日本金泽工业大学, 先进材料研究所,

4. 2002-06 2004-03, 日本金泽工业大学, 先进材料研究所,

5. 1996-07 2002-12, 西安交通大学, 机械工程学院, 副教授

6. 2000-10 2001-10, 乌克兰国立科技大学, 焊接研究所,

7. 1999-02 1999-04, 新加坡南洋理工大学, 机械工程学院,

8. 1991-12 1996-06, 西安交通大学, 机械工程学院, 讲师

9. 1986-08 1991-11, 西安交通大学, 机械工程学院, 助教


(1) 金属材料加工(焊接),

(2) 高性能复合材料

(3) 热障涂层力学性能










1、Zhi-Yuan Wei, Xiao-Xue Dong, Hong-Neng Cai, et al. Influences of the near-spherical 3D pore on failure mechanism of atmospheric plasma spraying TBCs using a macro-micro integrated model [J]. Surf Coat Tech, 2022, 437, 128375.

2、Zhi-Yuan Wei, Hong-Neng Cai, Sheng-Dun Zhao, et al. Dynamic multi-crack evolution and coupling TBC failure together induced by continuous TGO growth and ceramic sintering [J]. Ceram Int, 2022, 48(11): 15913-24.

3、Zhi-Yuan Wei, Hong-Neng Cai, Sheng-Dun Zhao, et al. Assessment of stress characteristic and interfacial delamination in thermal barrier coatings considering the connected crack network [J]. Surf Coat Tech, 2022, 432, 128065.

4、Zhi-Yuan Wei, Hong-Neng Cai, Sheng-Dun Zhao, et al. Comprehensive understanding of horizontal and vertical crack effects on failure mechanism of lamellar structured thermal barrier coatings [J]. Ceram Int, 2022, 48(6): 8143-54.

5、Zhi-Yuan Wei, Hong-Neng Cai, Sheng-Dun Zhao, et al. Study on spalling mechanism of APS thermal barrier coatings considering surface vertical crack evolution affected by surrounding cracks [J]. Ceram Int, 2022, 48(8): 11445-55.

6、Zhi-Yuan Wei, Hong-Neng Cai, Sheng-Dun Zhao, et al. Comprehensive understanding of horizontal and vertical crack effects on failure mechanism of lamellar structured thermal barrier coatings [J]. Ceram Int, 2022, 48(6): 8143-54.

7、Zhi-Yuan Wei, Hong-Neng Cai, Understanding the Failure Mechanism of Thermal Barrier Coatings Considering the Local Bulge at the Interface between YSZ Ceramic and Bond Layer [J]. Materials, 2022, 15(1): 275

8、HUANG Y P, WEI Z Y, ZHANG Q, Hong-Neng Cai, et al. Comprehensive understanding of coupled stress characteristics in ytterbium disilicate environmental barrier coatings undergoing corrosion transformation and thermal cycling [J]. Ceram Int, 2022, 48(17): 25528-37.

9、Han XC, Cai HN, Sun J, et al. Numerical investigation on behaviors of composite laminates with initial delamination defects under impact and compression after impact[J]. Polymer Composites, 2023, 44(1): 413-431.

10、Han XC, Cai HN, Sun J, et al. Numerical studies on failure mechanism of all-composite sandwich structure with honeycomb core under compression and impact loading conditions[J]. Polymers, 2022, 14(19):4047.

11、HAN X C, CAI H N, SUN J, et al. Behaviors of Composite Laminates Under Low-Energy Impact Using a Novel Analytical Framework [J]. Int J Appl Mech, 2022, 14(02): 2250004.

12、Wei, Zhi Yuan; Cai, Hong Neng; Feng, Rui Xue; Su, Jing Yu ; Dynamic crack growth mechanism and lifetime assessment in plasma sprayed thermal barrier system upon temperature cycling, Ceramics International, 2019, 45(12): 14896-14907

13、Xuecheng Han; Hongneng Cai; Jie Sun; Zhiyuan Wei; Yaping Huang; Ang Wang ; Numerical Studies on Failure Mechanisms of All-Composite Sandwich Structure with Honeycomb Core under Compression and Impact Loading Conditions, Polymers, 2022, 14(19): 4047

14、Yaping Huang; Zhiyuan Wei; Qiang Zhang; Hongneng Cai; Xuecheng Han; Xiaoxue Dong ; Comprehensive understanding of coupled stress characteristics in ytterbium disilicate environmental barrier coatings undergoing corrosion transformation and thermal cycling, Ceramics International, 2022, 48(17): 25528-25537

15、Zhi-Yuan Wei; Hong-Neng Cai; Sheng-Dun Zhao ; Assessment of stress characteristic and interfacial delamination in thermal barrier coatings considering the connected crack network, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2022, 432: 128065

16、Zhi-Yuan Wei; Hui Dong; Hong-Neng Cai; Sheng-Dun Zhao ; Cracking behavior and delamination mechanism of lamellar structured TBC with localized mixed oxides, Ceramics International, 2022, 48(18): 26206-26216


