

时间:2016-09-27    浏览:




Silk Road International Symposium for Distinguished Young Scholars (XJTU 2016)

20-22 Dec 2016, Xi’an China



Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU) is a key university directly administered by the Chinese Ministry of Education and is one of the oldest higher education institutions in China. Currently XJTU is a comprehensive research university with scientific focus, comprising 10 branches of learning: science, engineering, medicine, economics, management, humanities, law, philosophy, education and art etc. XJTU is now warmly welcoming distinguished young scholars from all over the world to apply for the “Silk Road International Symposium for Distinguished Young Scholars (SRIS, 2016) ” to be held in Xi’an from 20 to 22 December 2016.


SRIS vows to engage distinguished young scholars both from home and abroad in hot issues in the forefront of international scholarly community as well as in individual and career elevation and development and eventually build a platform for in-depth understanding and academic exchanges. Meanwhile, XJTU would like to take this opportunity to facilitate the communication and cooperation between the invited scholars and XJTU faculty, to introduce talents recruitment schemes to the symposium attendees and attract interested distinguished scholars to join in XJTU.


SRIS comprises 1 Keynote Session and Parallel Sessions. Keynote Session includes presentations about the development strategies, academics, faculty, research and postgraduate education in XJTU. The parallel sessions consist of a series of activities including academic exchanges, lab tour, meetings with deans and members of faculty. Invited scholars can thus have a clear vision on the working environment, research, infrastructure, talents needs, etc. of the visited school.


SRIS 2016 is open for distinguished young scholars from the following areas:

  • 能源与环境Energy & Environment


Targeting disciplines:


Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics, Nuclear Science and Technology, Environmental Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Urban and Rural Planning etc.



Related Schools of XJTU:

School of Energy and Power Engineering,School of Electrical Engineering,School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, School of Human Settlements and Civil Engineering etc.

  • 机械、空天与材料Mechanics, Aerospace & Materials


Targeting disciplines:


Mechanical Engineering, Instrument Science and Technology, Mechanics, Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology, Materials Science and Engineering, Food Machinery etc.


Related Schools of XJTU:


School of Mechanical Engineering,School of Aerospace,School of Materials Science and Engineering, Fuli School of Food Equipment Engineering and Science etc.

  • 电子与信息Electronics & Information


Targeting disciplines:


Electronics Science and Technology, Information and Communication Engineering, Control Science and Engineering, Computer Science and Technology, Software Engineering etc.



Related Schools of XJTU:

School of Electronic and Information Engineering, School of Software Engineering,School of Microelectronicsetc.

  • 医学与生命Medicine & Life Sciences


Targeting disciplines:


Basic Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Pharmaceutical Science, Stomatology, Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine, Nursing, Biology, Biomedical Engineering etc.



Related Schools of XJTU:

Health Science Center,School of Life Science and Technologyetc.

  • 人文社科Humanities & Social Science


Targeting disciplines:


Philosophy, Marxist Theory, Law, Sociology, Education, Physical Education, Foreign Languages and Literature, Journalism and Communication, Design etc.


Related Schools of XJTU:


School of Humanities and Social Science,School of Law, School of Marxism Studies, School of Foreign Studies, School of Journalism and New Media etc.

  • 管理与经济Management & Economics


Targeting disciplines:


Management Science and Engineering, Business Administration, Public Administration, Applied Economics, Theoretical Economics etc.



Related Schools of XJTU:

School of Management,School of Public Policy and Administration,School of Economics and Finance,Jinhe Center for Economic Researchetc.

  • 数学Mathematics



Targeting disciplines:

Mathematics, Statistics etc.



Related Schools of XJTU:

School of Mathematics and Statisticsetc.

  • 物理与化学Physics & Chemistry



Targeting disciplines:

Physics, Chemistry etc.



Related Schools of XJTU:

School of Scienceetc.

2.申请条件Requirements for applicants

  • 申请人具有博士学位,年龄40周岁以下(含40周岁),一般具有2年以上工作经历。

Applicants should hold a Ph.D. degree, at the age of under 40 (including 40) and generally have more than 2 years working experiences.

  • 申请人在所从事领域已取得突出的学术业绩,为同龄人中的拔尖人才,已获得学术界同行的高度认可。

Applicants should demonstrate outstanding academic accomplishments and reputation in a given field, having earned recognition in the scholarly community.

  • 申请人具有广阔的学术视野和创新思维,具备成为所从事领域领军人才的潜质。

The applicants should have a broad academic vision and innovative thinking with enormous potential of future leadership in a given field.

  • 申请人学风严谨,遵守法纪及职业道德规范。

Applicants should also be dedicated to research, law abiding and ethical.


  • 方式1申请人登录研讨会官方网站在线注册并上传个人简历。简历应包括个人基本信息(含教育、工作经历)、研究兴趣、学术业绩介绍(含论文清单),以及其他申请人认为必要的内容,以Word或PDF格式上传。中文或英文简历均可。

Option 1: Applicants could log on to SRIS website at/xjtu/mu_sris/Englishfor online registration and uploading his/her curriculum vitae (CV) in Word or PDF format. The CV should include the following: Personal information (including education and working experiences), Research interests, Academic achievements (including list of publications), and other information deemed necessary by the applicants. The CV to be uploaded can be either in English or in Chinese.

Option 2: Applicants could email his/her CV with the registration information SRIS Secretariat will help to complete the on-line registration. The registration information including: Name, Gender, Year of birth, Email address, Current Affiliation, Job title, Place of current affiliation (country/region), Mobile phone number in mainland China (if applicable), preferred and optional schools in XJTU for academic exchanges.

  • 申请截止日期为2016年11月10日。

Application Deadline for SRIS 2016: 10 November, 2016

4.日程安排 Program

  • 12月20日(周二)全天,来访学者报到

20 December (Tue), All-day, Registration

  • 12月21日(周三)上午,组团参加陕西省主论坛

21 December (Wed), Morning, Keynote Session organized by Shaanxi Province

  • 12月21日(周三)下午,西安交大主题论坛

21 December (Wed), Afternoon, Keynote Session in XJTU

  • 12月22日(周四)全天,学院分论坛、交流、参观、座谈等

22 December (Thu), All day, Parallel Sessions, meeting with the school leaders/distinguished professors, Lab tour etc.

5.其他信息Other Information

  • 本次研讨会不收取注册费用,西安交大为参会青年学者报销往返国际及国内旅费,并统一安排会议期间的免费食宿和机场、火车站接送。

SRIS charges no registration fees. Domestic and international travel expenses will be reimbursed for each invited scholar. Accommodation, food and airport/railway station ground transportation will be provided.

  • 进一步咨询请发邮件至研讨会秘书处邮箱或致电+86 29 8266 6336。

For further information about SRIS, please contact the secretariat by or via phone at +86 29 8266 6336.

For information on XJTU, please visit/xjtu/mu_en/.

地址:陕西省西安市咸宁西路28号   邮编:710049   传真:029-82663876

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