1. Zhang Yingjie, Ge Liling. A novel geometry error measurement methodology for coaxiality evaluation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 2020, (11), Published online. https://doi.org/10.1177/0954405420968176 (SCI)
2. Luo Xi, Zhang Yingjie. Study of error compensations and sensitivity analysis for 6 Dof serial robot[J]. Engineering Computations. 2020,31(8), Published online ( SCI).
3. Zhang Lin, Zhang Yingjie. Improving the extracting precision of stripe center for structured light measurement [J]. optik-International Journal of Light and Electron Optics. 2020, 207(4),163816 (SCI).
4. Zhang Lin, Zhang Yingjie. Path planning for indoor Mobile robot based on deep learning. Optik, 2020, 219(10),165096 (SCI). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijleo.2020.165096.
5. Ge Liling, Zhang Yingjie. Multi-level approach for important Component identification and reliability evaluation for complex system by survival signature. Engineering Computations.2020,31(7):262-288 (SCI)
6. Zhang Ding,Zhang Yingjie. Dynamic decision-making for reliability and maintenance analysis of manufacturing systems based on failure effects[J]. Enterprise Information Systems.2017,11(8):1228-1242. (SCI)
7. Zhang Ding, Zhang Yingjie, Yu MingRang. A machining process oriented modeling approach for reliability optimization of failure-prone manufacturing systems[J]. Journal of Engineering Research.2016,3(4):128-143. (SCI)
8. Mingrang Yu, Zhang Yingjie, Kun Chen, Zhang Ding, Integration of process planning and scheduling using a hybrid GA/PSO algorithm[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015,78 (1-4) :583-592. (SCI)
9. Zhang Yingjie, Review of recent advances on energy efficiency of machine tools for sustainability, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2015, 229(12):345-353.(SCI).
10. Zhang Yingjie, Reliability analysis of machining systems by considering system cost, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2015, 28(8) :836-843 (SCI).
11. Zhang Yingjie, Method for process planning optimization with energy efficiency consideration , International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015, 77(9-12): 2197-2207 (SCI).
12. Zhang Yingjie, Energy efficiency techniques in machining process: a review, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014,71, p1123–1132 (SCI).
13. Zhang Yingjie, Fast approach to checkerboard corner detection for calibration, Optical Engineering, 2014, 53(11), p112203 (SCI).
14. Zhang Yingjie, Computing offsets of point clouds using direct point offsets for tool-path generation, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2012,225(6), p52-65 (SCI)
15. Zhang Yingjie, Adaptive Tool-path generation on point-sampled surfaces, Precision Engineering, 2011, 35(4), p591-601 (SCI).
16. Zhang Yingjie, Improved moving least squares algorithm for directed projecting onto point clouds, Measurement, 2011, 44(10), p2008-2019 (SCI).
17. Zhang Yingjie, Extraction of ROI by using Improved Mumford-Shah Algorithm and Its Application on Defect De8ection, Insight - Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring, 2011,53(7), p387-391(SCI)
18. Zhang Yingjie, A Robust and Efficient Method for Direct Projection on Point-sampled Surfaces, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 2010,11(1), p145-155 (SCI)
19. Zhang Yingjie, Selecting optimal set of tool sequences for machining of multiple pockets,The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2009, 42(2-3), p233-241 (SCI)
20. Zhang Yingjie, Using Philosophy of Mobile Agent Technology for E-service in the Fields of Reverse Engineering Application, Rapid Prototype Journal, 2004, 10(3), p158-165 (SCI)
21. 韩江涛, 张英杰, 李程辉, 张佳瑞. 面向光学三维测量的非均匀条纹生成方法. 西安交通大学学报,2017, 51(8):12-18.
22. 李程辉,张英杰, 韩江涛, 张佳瑞. 应用于条纹中心提取的非对称条纹调整方法. 中国激光,2017, 5:158-167.
23. 陈波,张英杰,张佳瑞,代愽超,结构光中心提取中的条纹灰度退化调整. 西安交通大学学报,2018,52(2):30-36.
24. 颜敏炜,张英杰,代愽超,李云龙,采用激光传感器的同轴度检测技术研究. 西安交通大学学报,2017,51(10):27-32.
25. 张英杰, 基于刀具的特征动态分解的数控编程方法研究,计算机集成制造系统, 2008,14(12), p2452-2456. (EI:20090611901773)
26. 张英杰, 面向多刀具组合的加工成本评价模型的研究,计算机集成制造系统, 2008, 14(8),p1545-1549.(EI:20083911606217)
27. 张英杰, 许艾, 基于特征的箱体类零件自动数控编程技术研究, 西安交通大学学报, 2008,42(5),p578-582.(EI:20082411313143)
28. 张英杰, 屈满仓, 李俊民, 大型零部件的复杂工艺并行设计方法的研究, 计算机集成制造系统, 2007,13(12),p2339-2344.(EI:20080611079480)
29. 张英杰,面向自动数控工艺设计的加工特征的建模技术研究,西安交通大学学报,2008,42(3),p281-285(EI:20081611206328)
30. 张英杰, 李俊民, 屈满仓, 基于特征集成数控工序的工艺设计平台的研究, 西安交通大学学报,2007,41(7),p802-805. (EI:20073410776876)
31. 张英杰,基于特征集成数控工序的工艺设计平台的研究,西安交通大学学报,2007,41(7),p802-805. (EI:20073410776876)
32. 张英杰,基于网络化的制造资源智能管理系统的研究,西安交通大学学报,2004,38(3),p270-273. (EI:2004258227614)