1. Shaofeng Jia, D. Liang, W. Kong, R. Qu, Z. Yu, D. Li, and P. Kou, “A high torque density concentrated winding vernier reluctance machine with DC-biased current,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 54, No.11, Nov., pp:8205205, 2018.
2. Shaofeng Jia, R. Qu, J. Li, and D. Li, “Flux modulation principles of DC-biased sinusoidal current vernier reluctance machines,” IEEE Trans. Ind. App., Vol. 54, No.2, Jul./Aug., pp:3187-3196, 2018..
3. Shaofeng Jia, R. Qu, W. Kong, D. Li, J. Li, Z. Yu, and H Fang, “Hybrid excitation stator PM vernier machines with novel DC-biased sinusoidal armature current,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. Vol. 54, No.2, Mach/April, pp:1339-1348, 2018.
4. Shaofeng Jia, R. Qu, J. Li, and D. Li, “Principles of stator DC winding excited vernier reluctance machines,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. Vol.31, No.3, Sep., pp:935-946, 2016 (SCI, WOS: 000383177100011);
5. Shaofeng Jia, R. Qu, J. Li, D. Li, and H. Fang, “A novel vernier reluctance fully superconducting direct drive synchronous generator with concentrated windings for wind power application,” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconducting.Vol.26, No.7, Oct., pp:5207205, 2016 ( SCI,WOS:000379756000001);
6. Shaofeng Jia, R. Qu, J. Li, X. Gang, and M. Zhang, “Study of direct-drive permanent magnet synchronous generators with solid rotor back-iron and different windings,”IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. Vol.52, No.2, Mach/April, pp:1369-1379, 2016,( SCI, WOS:000372986600029);
7. Shaofeng Jia, R. Qu, and J. Li, “Analysis of the power factor of stator DC-excited vernier reluctance machines,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. Vol.51, No.11, Nov, pp: 8207704. 2015,( SCI,WOS:000364770500542);
8. Shaofeng Jia, R. Qu, J. Li, D. Li, and H. Lu,“Design considerations of stator DC-winding excited vernier reluctance machines based on the magnetic gear effect,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp: 1028-1037, 2017.( SCI,WOS:000398745400023);
9. Shaofeng Jia, R. Qu, J. Li, D. Li, and H. Lu, “Comparison of stator DC current excited vernier reluctance machines with different field winding configurations,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. Vol. 53, No. 6, pp: 8103504, 2017.
10. Shaofeng Jia, R. Qu, D. Li, J. Li, and W. Kong, “Improved torque capacity for flux modulated machines by injecting DC currents into the armature windings,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. Vol. 53, No. 6, pp: 8102205, 2017.
11. Shaofeng Jia, R. Qu, J. Li, D. Li, and W. Kong, “A stator-PM consequent-pole vernier machine with hybrid excitation and DC-biased sinusoidal current,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. Vol. 53, No. 6, pp: 8105404, 2017.
12. J. Ma, R. Qu, J. Li, and Shaofeng Jia, “Structural optimization of a permanent-magnet direct-drive generator considering eccentric electromagnetic force,”IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. Vol.51, No.3, Mar. 2015,;
13. N. Duan, W. Xu, S. Wang, J. Zhu, R. Qu, and Shaofeng Jia “A temperature-dependent hysteresis model for soft ferrites,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. Vol. 53, No. 6, pp: 2001304, 2017
1. Shaofeng Jia, R. Qu, J. Li, D. Li, W. Kong, and D. Ye, “A stator-PM consequent-pole vernier machine with hybrid excitation and DC-biased sinusoidal current,” IEEE Conference on CEFC. 2016, Miami, USA
2. Shaofeng Jia, R. Qu, J. Li, D. Li, and H. Lu, “Comparison of stator DC current excited vernier reluctance machines with different field winding configurations,” IEEE Conference on CEFC. 2016, Miami, USA
3. Shaofeng Jia, R. Qu, D. Li, J. Li, and W. Kong, “Improved torque and flux weakening capability for flux modulated machines by injecting DC currents into the armature windings,” IEEE Conference on CEFC. 2016, Miami, USA.
4. Shaofeng Jia, R. Qu, J. Li, and D. Li, “Flux modulation principles of DC-biased sinusoidal current vernier reluctance machines,” IEEE Conference on ECCE. 2016, Milwaukee, USA.
5. Shaofeng Jia, R. Qu, J. Li, and D. Li, “Hybrid excited vernier PM machines with novel DC-biased sinusoidal armature current ,” IEEE Conference on ECCE. 2016, Milwaukee, USA.
6. Shaofeng Jia, R. Qu, J. Li, D. Li, and R. Zhang, “Stator/Rotor Slot and Winding Pole Pair Combinations of DC Biased Sinusoidal Vernier Reluctance Machines,” IEEE Conference on ICEM. 2016, Lausanne – Switzerland.
7. Shaofeng Jia, R. Qu, J. Li D. Li, and W. Kong, “A High Torque Density Vernier PM Machines for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Applications,” IEEE Conference VPPC 2016,Hangzhou, China.
8. Shaofeng Jia, R. Qu, and J. Li, “Design considerations and parameter optimization of stator wound field synchronous machines based on the magnetic gear effect,” IEEE Conference on ECCE. 2015, Montreal. Canada, (EI, 15570243).
9. Shaofeng Jia, R. Qu, J. Li, and Y. Chen, “Comparison of stator DC-excited vernier reluctance machines with synchronous reluctance machines,” IEEE Conference on IEMDC. 2015, Coeur d’Alène. USA, (EI, 15801098).
10. Shaofeng Jia, R. Qu, and J. Li, “Pole ratio effect on electromagnetic performance of stator DC-Excited vernier reluctance machines,” IEEE Conference on INTERMAG. 2015, Beijing. China, (EI, 15302878).
11. Shaofeng Jia, R. Qu, and J. Li, “Analysis of power factor of stator DC-excited vernier reluctance machines,” IEEE Conference on INTERMAG. 2015, Beijing. China, (EI, 15303465).
12. Shaofeng Jia, R. Qu, J. Li, H. Fang, D. Li, and J. Hu, “Design and analysis of a novel vernier reluctance fully superconducting synchronous generator with LTS windings for wind power generation,” IEEE Conference on ASEMD. 2015, Shanghai. China, (EI, 15953488).
13. Shaofeng Jia, R. Qu, J. Li, Z. Fu, H. Chen, and L. Wu “Analysis of FSCW SPM servo motor with static, dynamic and mixed eccentricity in aspects of radial force and vibration,” IEEE Conference on ECCE. 2014, Pittsburgh. USA, (EI, 14774672).
14. Shaofeng Jia, R. Qu, J. Li, X. Gang, and M. Zhang, “Study of direct-drive permanent magnet synchronous generators with solid rotor back-iron and different windings,” IEEE Conference on ICEMS. 2014, Hangzhou, China, (EI, 14864919).
15. M. Lin, R. Qu, J. Li, and Shaofeng Jia, “Torque Ripple Reduction Techniques for Stator DC Winding Excited Vernier Reluctance Machines,” IEEE Conference on ECCE. 2016, Milwaukee, USA.
16. H. Lu, J. Li, R. Qu, and Shaofeng Jia, “Loss Minimization Control of vernier reluctance machines with DC field windings in stator,” IEEE Conference on IECON. 2015, Yokohama, Japan,(EI, 15753579).
17. L. Xiao, J. Li, R. Qu, and Shaofeng Jia, “Windings configurations for vernier reluctance dual-stator inner-rotor axial flux machines,” IEEE Conference on ICEMS. 2015, Pattaya City, Thailand,(EI, 15722970).
18. Leilei Wu, R. Qu, and Shaofeng Jia, “Low Rotor Eddy Current Losses SPM Servo Motors with Fractional Slot Concentrated Windings and Novel Retaining Cage,” IEEE Conference on CEFC. 2016, Miami, USA.