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  • Xi’an Jiaotong University Law School Recruiting Professors and Associate/Assistant Professors
  • Published:2021/05/08 16:20:39 News source:

About the School:

Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU) School of Law is proud to be one of the earliest Chinese universities to offer modern legal education in China. Alumni such as Judge WANG Chung-hui (JSD, Yale University, the first Chinese Judge at the Permanent Court of International Justice), Judge Hsu Mo (the first Chinese Judge at the International Court of Justice) and LI Shutong (the earliest Chinese scholar who translated Private International Law textbooks) had left most significant marks in the legal developments both within China and on the world stage.

Today, XJTU School of Law offers a full range of law degree programs in Chinese and English languages including PhD, LLM, Juris Master (JM), and LLB programs. The School is recognized by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and other central governmental authorities as the first tier of “National First-Class Subject Institute”, “Outstanding Legal Education Centre for Interdisciplinary and Practical Legal Personnel Cultivation” and “Outstanding Legal Education Centre for Foreign-related Legal Personnel Cultivation”. The School has established close cooperation with some leading overseas institutions, including a "Silk Road Scholar Scheme" with the Lauterpacht Center for International Law (LCIL) at the University of Cambridge, a “Chinese Bachelor’s Degree + Australian JD Degree” program with the University of New South Wales Faculty of Law and an LLM in “Chinese Law and International Commercial Law” in cooperation with several law schools along the Belt and Road region. In 2015, the School launched the “New Silk Road Law School (International) Alliance” with joint efforts of over 20 leading law schools from five continents. In 2018, the School was accredited as a 5-Star Law School by QS. The law subject was most recently ranked within the top 300 in the world and top 14 (T14) in China by QS, and 3rd in high quality papers in international journals and 9th in the awards for significant scientific achievements nationally by ARWU.

XJTU School of Law currently has over 60 academic staff including 19 professors and 27 associate professors, many of whom have been selected by various international and national authorities as scholars of high international and national standings. The School co-founded an international academic journal, The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law, with the Oxford University Press (OUP) and the International Academy of Comparative Law (IACL). The School also took the lead in establishing the MOFCOM-Shaanxi-XJTU Collaborative Innovation Centre for Silk Road Belt Law and Policy Studies (CIC-SRLPS). Academics of the School have undertaken a number of major international and national research projects, and have published numerous articles in leading international and Chinese journals, such as American Journal of Comparative Law, European Journal of International Law, Social Sciences in China, Studies of Law, and Chinese Legal Science. Research achievements have been awarded top research prizes, such as the First Prize for Outstanding Achievements in Scientific Research (Humanities and Social Sciences) by the Ministry of Education, the Qian Duansheng Legal Research Achievement Award, the Ann Tse Kai International Trade Award, First Prize for Outstanding Achievements in Humanities and Social Sciences in Shaanxi Province, as well as the inaugural “China New Development Award” by Springer-Nature Group.

XJTU School of Law aims to build a "high-standard, internationalized and research-oriented" world-class law school. For these purposes the School is recruiting Professors and Associate Professor under the “Leading Scholars”, “Top Young Talents”, “Young Talents” schemes of the University. As detailed below, the University and the School endeavor to provide first-class working and living conditions for each and every successful candidate.

Xi'an Jiaotong University School of Law warmly welcomes international and domestic legal talents to join us!

Recruitment Schemes and Provisions

1. Leading Scholars Programme

✓  National level excellent talents;

✓  Physically and mentally healthy;

✓  Professors or equivalent positions in famous international university/ research institution;

✓  Or the applicant has undertaken national scientific and technological tasks, produced important academic achievements and significant outstanding contributions.

Basic Annual Salary

Other Income

Leading Scholars Programme

600,000-800,000   RMB / year

School performance distribution   +

Scientific research and social   service income

Working conditions & Living accommodations

A. Supporting   funds for scientific research: provided    according to needs

    B. 350,000 RMB (after tax) for a one-time   settlement fee

    C. Providing a flat from XJTU   for rent or purchase

D. Providing   high quality educational opportunities for children in the local area

2. Top Young Talents Programme

✓  The applicant should hold a PhD degree and be under the age of 40 (including 40);

✓  Physically and mentally healthy;

✓  The applicant should have achieved outstanding academic accomplishments and have the potential to be leaders in their research fields.

In this plan, there are two kinds of posts: "professor" and "special appointed researcher".

Basic Annual Salary

Other Income


450,000   RMB / year

School performance distribution   +

Scientific research and social   service income

Special appointed researcher

300,000   RMB / year

Working conditions &

Living accommodations

A. Supporting   funds for scientific research: more than 500,000 RMB in Humanities and   Social Sciences

    B. 350,000 RMB (after   tax) for one-time settlement fee

    C. Providing a flat from XJTU   for rent or purchase

D. Providing   high quality educational opportunities for children in the local area

It is specially stated that those who are selected or enter the interview session of the national "Youth Thousand Talents Plan", "Outstanding Youth Science Fund", "Young Yangtze River Scholars", "Top Young talents of Ten Thousand talents Plan" can be directly selected into the program "professor" position. Those who are excellent in some disciplines can also receive special subsidy for 250,000 RMB / year. Special circumstances can be discussed in person.

3. Program for Supporting Young and Excellent Talents:

✓  The applicant should hold a PhD degree and should be under the age of 32 (including 32);

✓  Physically and mentally healthy;

✓  The applicant has made remarkable achievements in related fields and has shown good potential for academic development in publishing papers, hosting (participating in) scientific research projects or carrying out the transformation of scientific and technological achievements

✓  The research interest focuses on the frontiers of science and technology, national needs and economic development.

Basic Annual Salary

Other Income

Category A

300,000 RMB / year

School performance distribution   +

scientific research and social   service income

Category B&C

160,000-200,000 RMB /   year

Working conditions & Living accommodations

A. The person can apply for   the basic scientific research service fee of the central   university. After the position is promoted or selected into the   "Leading Scholars Programme" or "Top Young talents   Programme", scientific Research Fund is available to apply.   Whenpromoted a higher position, the research start-up fund and   settlement fee will be provided in accordance with the position

B.   Providing an apartment from XJTU for rent or rent subsidy 1,500 RMB/Month

C.   Providing social insurance and housing provident fund in accordance with   relevant regulations

D.   Providing high quality educational opportunities for children in the local   area

It should be noted that those who are selected in the national "Postdoctoral Innovative Talents Support Program" and "Postdoctoral International Exchange Program (Talent-Introduction Program)" are directly included in Category A to manage.

The Office of China Postdoc Council, and our university jointly set up the "Western China Overseas Postdoctoral Innovation Demonstration Center" introduction project to fund excellent foreign and overseas doctors to engage in postdoctoral research, with a salary of 200,000 RMB/ year.

4. Regular Posts


✓  The applicant should hold a PhD degree and have high academic attainments, generally do not exceed the age of 45 years old;

✓  Physically and mentally healthy.

Basic Annual Salary

Other Income


280,000-360,000  RMB /   year

School performance distribution +

scientific research and social   service income

Working conditions & Living accommodations

A.   Supporting funds for scientific research: 120,000 RMB in Humanities and Social Sciences   

    B. 70,000-120,000 RMB for   settlement fee

C.   Providing an apartment from XJTU for rent or rent subsidy 1,000 RMB/Month

D.   Providing social insurance and housing provident fund in accordance with   relevant regulations

E.   Providing high quality educational opportunities for children in the   local area

Associate Professor

✓  Applicants should hold a PhD degree and have at least 2 years’ work experience. Generally, do not exceed the age of 35 years old, do not exceed the age of 40 years old in Humanities and Social Sciences;

✓  Physically and mentally healthy;

✓  Applicants should have outstanding achievements in relevant academic fields.

Basic Annual Salary

Other Income

Associate Professor

220,000-280,000 RMB / year

School performance   distribution +

Scientific research and social   service income

Working  conditions & Living accommodations

A.   Supporting funds for scientific research: 60,000 RMB in Humanities and Social Sciences

    B. 60,000 RMB for settlement fee

C. Providing   an apartment from XJTU for rent or rent subsidy 2,000 RMB/Month

D.   Providing social insurance and housing provident fund in accordance with   relevant regulations

E.   Providing high quality educational opportunities for children in the local   area

What needs to be noted in particular is that associate professors implement a system of Tenure-Track. The permitted employment period is 3 years, and those who are excellent in the assessment of the employment period will be transferred to long-term employment; those who fail to achieve excellence in the assessment of the employment period shall be terminated.

Contact information

Add: No. 28 Xianning West Road, Xi'an Jiaotong University School of LawXi’an, Shaanxi, P.R. China

Contact PersonMs. Zhang



E-mail: zhangmeiping@xjtu.edu.cn

Website: /xjtu/mu_fxy/