Latest development in flexible electronics
November 20, 2017
Recently, an XJTU research group focusing on functional oxide thin film successfully fabricated a high-quality single-crystalline LiFe5O8thin film in a centimeter scale on a flexible substrate of polyimide through a wetting transfer method, and studied its magnetic properties.
XJTU researchers achieve bi-directional control in spin dynamics
November 13, 2017
The above results have been published online in ACSNano(IF = 13.942), a well-known journal in the field of materials science.
XJTU takes the third place in China Undergraduate Physics Tournament
October 27, 2017
The Eighth China Undergraduate Physics Tournament (CUPT) was recently held at Harbin Institute of Technology.
XJTU harvests more NSFC support
September 27, 2017
Recently, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) announced its year 2017 support for the research projects, of which 453 XJTU projects are on the list.
XJTU Professor Cheng Hai elected to be AGU fellow
September 22, 2017
On July 27, 2017, the American Geophysical Union (AGU) announced their 2017 AGU Fellowson their official website, representing an honor given to individual AGU members who have made exceptional scientific contributions and gained prominence in their respective fields of Earth and space sciences.
XJTU and Alibaba cooperates on cyber security
September 18, 2017
On the morning of July 22, 2017, XJTU School of Law and the Security Department of Alibaba Corporation signed a strategic cooperation agreement on cyber security.
Two disciplines of XJTU ranked top 1% on ESI ranking list
August 30, 2017
According to the latest data (released on July 13, 2017) of Essential Science Indicators (ESI), two disciplines of XJTU are ranked top 1% of the ESI list, including MOLECULARBIOLOGY &GENETICS and ECONOMICS &BUSINESS. XJTU takes the 430th place among the 5465 institutions listed in ESI.
Latest development in understanding DNA repair mechanism
July 03, 2017
Recently, XJTU researchers and Professor Zhang Pumin from Baylor College of Medicine, USA and other researchers collaborated to have made progress in understanding the DNA repair mechanism.