The School of Automation Science and Engineering

DMI was founded in 1958, with 12 students and several teachers transfered from other departments, as one part of the department of radio engineering in original Jiaotong University after moving to Xi’an in the rearrangement of colleges and departments in ...


  DMI was founded in 1958, with 12 students and several teachers transfered from other departments, as one part of the department of radio engineering in original Jiaotong University after moving to Xi’an in the rearrangement of colleges and departments in 1956. In 1978, the secondary department of radio engineering was renamed as the Department of Information and Control Engineering, with Baosheng Hu as the first dean. In the same year, the Ministry of Education (MOE) held a conference in Xi’an Jiaotong University and made the decision to construct system enginnering discipline in six universities firstly. With the great support of the MOE, the System Engineering Institute was set up in Xi’an Jiaotong University firstly in 1979. In June of 1994, the Department of Information and Control Engineering was merged into the new established School of Electronic and Information Engineering. In 2001, the Department of Information and Control Engineering became the Department of Automation Science and Technology. In 2018, the Department of Automation Science and Technology became the Department of Machine Intelligence.


  Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics    /xjtu/mu_aiar/mu_www/ Institute of System Engineering   Institute of Integrated Automation    /xjtu/mu_iia/ Institute of Automatic Control and Detection Technology Institute of Control Theory and Control Engineering Center for Information Engineering Science Research State Key Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems Engineering   /xjtu/mu_sklms/ Ministry of Education Key Lab for Intelligent Networks and Network Security /xjtu/mu_nskeylab/site/lab/ Shaanxi Province Key Lab for Digital Technology and Intelligent System State Key Laboratory of Astronautic Dynamics


  DMI has one of the superior disciplines, Control Science and Engineering, in Xi’an Jiaotong University, and five sub-disciplines, including Control Theory and Control Engineering, Detection Technology and Automatic Equipment, Systems Engineering, Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems, Navigation, Guidance and Control. DMI also owns one of the earliest automation specialties as well as the earliest first-class doctor degree disciplines in China. There are one national key discipline and two national key secondary discipline in DMI. The graduate students are enrolled for sub-disciplines and educated with overall knowledge of the discipline. The senior undergraduate students may take subjects in relevant sub-disciplines as elective courses according to their own needs. In all previous discipline evaluations in 2003, 2007, 2013 and 2017, the results of DMI were sixth, seventh, seventh and A-, respectively.


  With more than 80 teaching and research staff working on hundreds of diverse projects currently, we are proud to be one of the top DMI in China. We have earned our academic reputation both nationally and internationally by focusing on the most advanced and innovative research areas.