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香港城市大学能源与环境学院Prof Micheal K.H. Leung(梁国熙教授) ,中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院助理研究员香江学者张呈旭博士到我中心做报告

香港城市大学能源与环境学院Prof Micheal K.H. Leung(梁国熙教授) ,中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院助理研究员香江学者张呈旭博士到我中心做报告。

Prof. Michael Leung started his academic career as a Lecturer in the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management at the City University of Hong Kong in 2000. In 2002, he joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering at The University of Hong Kong as a Research Assistant Professor; and in 2006 became an Assistant Professor. In 2010, he joined the City University of Hong Kong again as an Associate Professor in the School of Energy and Environment (SEE). He also serves as the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies) in SEE since 2012. In 2015, he became a Professor.Prof. Leung's main research interests are solar photocatalysis, fuel-cell electrochemistry, hydrogen production, carbon management, carbon capture and storage, advanced refrigeration and air-conditioning. He is listed as a highly cited scholar in energy science and engineering (http://www.zuihaodaxue.com/news/20160611-220.html). Since 2002, he has totally received HK$18M+ research funding as a PI from ITF, RGC, ECF & WWGF, SDF, industrial sponsorships, university internal grants, donations, etc. He has published 120+ journal papers, 70+ conference papers, 15 books/book chapters, and 6 patents.Prof. Leung is also a Past Chairman of the Energy Institute (Hong Kong Branch), a Member of the HKSAR Energy Advisory Committee, Energy Discipline Representative in HKIE Education and Examinations Committee, a Chartered Engineer, and a Registered Professional Engineer.


