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Review from BEBC was published on Chemical Society Reviews

2016/01/07      view:

Recently, an associate professor from BEBC, Guorui Jin, published a research paper on chemical top journal, Chemical Society Review (IF=33.383). The paper was entitled "Multi-functional electrospun nanofibres  for advances in tissue regeneration, energy conversion & storage, and water treatment".

In the paper, A brief introduction to electrospun materials was given with a special emphasis on the design, fabrication, and modification of 1D functional materials. Then they focus on the recent significant progress made in the domains of tissue regeneration (e.g., skin, nerve, heart and bone) and conversion & storage of clean energy (e.g., solar cells, fuel cells, batteries, and supercapacitors), where nanofibres have been used as active nanomaterials. Furthermore, this review's scope also includes the advances in the use of electrospun materials for the removal of heavy metal ions, organic pollutants, gas and bacteria in water treatment applications. Finally a conclusion and perspective is provided, in which they discussed the remaining challenges for 1D electrospun nanomaterials in tissue regeneration, energy conversion & storage, and water treatment.

Link: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2016/cs/c5cs00777a