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Dr. Xin Zhao from BEBC published research paper on AFM

2016/03/19      view:

Recently, associate professor Xin Zhao from BEBC, cooperated with academician David Weitz from Harvard University, published a research paper entitled "Injectable Stem Cell-Laden Photocrosslinkable Microspheres Fabricated Using Microfluidics for Rapid Generation of Osteogenic Tissue Constructs" on Advanced Functional Materials 2016 (DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201504943). 

Stem cell transplantation has emerged as a promising therapeutic strategy for the treatment of various injuries ranging from bony fractures to boon cancers and for other disorders. Amongst the plethora of stem cells, boon marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) are frequently used for bone regeneration due to their osteogenic differentiation potential. Direct injection of cells into the repair site minimizes surgical invasiveness and is thus gaining in popularity for clinical applications. In the paper, a strategy of microfluidics assisted technology entrapping BMSCs and growth factor in photocroslinkable gelatin (GelMA) microspheres to ultimately generate injectable osteogenic tissue constructs is presented. 

Associate professor Xin Zhao got her MSc with Distinction in Biomedical Engineering from Imperial College London, UK in 2006 and PhD in Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering from University College London, UK in 2010. She is now appointed as an associate professor at BEBC in Xi'an Jiaotong University. Dr. Zhao's research focuses on Biomaterials for Translational Regenerative Medicine.

Dr. Xin Zhao link: /xjtu/mu_bebc/English/Product/8716504246.html