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Our New Progress on Point-of-Care Detection was reported on Advanced Science News

2016/12/20      view:
Recently, the latest research results of Jane Ru Choi, a PhD joint Ph.D. student in BEBC, was reported on Advanced Science News.

Jane’s work targets at the Dengue, a mosquito-borne viral infection with mild to life-threatening manifestations. Due to the rapid increase of infections and the lack of effective treatment, there’s an increasingly urgent need for disease prognosis and monitoring. And most of current paper-based devices like lateral flow test strips is simple and cheap but with low sensitivity and functionality. In this paper, the authors created a lateral assay combing the benefits of both paper and polymer substrate, achieving a better control of fluid flow and molecular interaction. By creating multiple test zones that generate correlating signals with the viral RNA, they have achieved semi-quantification of the virus concentration in the sample. The detection sensitivity obtained a ten-fold increase which superior to what has been described so far. The prototype was also applied on clinical blood samples, demonstrating the promising application in both dengue virus and other types of targets.

The work, "Lateral Flow Assay Based on Paper Hybrid Material for Sensitive - Hydrogel Point-of-Care Detection of Dengue Virus Advanced Science News", was co-directed by Professor Xu Feng and Professor Belinda Pingguan-Murphy from University of Malaya. And it’s now published on Advanced Healthcare Materials (IF: 5.76). Advanced Science News is a consulting website of Wiley, which focuses on recent research results published in its flagship publications.

The original website: http://www.advancedsciencenews.com/one-step-towards-diagnosing-dengue-point-care/