Professor Pavel Castka

Professor Pavel Castka
International Business School Suzhou

Associate Dean for Professional Engagement

Pavel Castka is a Professor in the Department of Intelligent Operations and Marketing, and is currently serving as the Associate Dean for Professional Engagement for International Business School Suzhou at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. He previously served as Associate Dean for Research and MBA Director at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. His research focuses on the theme of sustainable supply chains – in particular, in relation to the assurance and verification of social and environmental claims. Pavel has been published in leading academic journals, including the Journal of Business Ethics, Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal of Production Economics, and the California Management Review. He has received large research grants from several funding agencies in Australia and New Zealand, advancing research and the application of innovative approaches to conformity assessment, especially in terms of digitalization, food systems innovations and remote practices. He serves as an expert at TC176 Quality Management at the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and his work has been widely used in international standardization policies. He has been repeatedly invited by leading policy making institutions such as ISO, UNIDO, IUCN or IAF to discuss topics related to conformity assessment.

Education/Academic qualification

Postgraduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching (PGCertTertT), University of Canterbury, New Zealand, 2006
PhD, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic, 2002
Master, Process Design Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic, 1998


Professor, International Business School Suzhou at XJTLU – 09/2024 to Present
Associate Dean for Professional Engagement, International Business School Suzhou at XJTLU – 09/2024 to Present
Member of ISO/TC 176, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneva, Switzerland – 2006-present
ISO 9001 Auditing Practices Group, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneva, Switzerland – 2021-present
Professor, UC Business School, University of Canterbury, New Zealand – 01/2018-08/2024
Associated Dean Research, UC Business School, University of Canterbury, New Zealand – 02/2022-08/2024
Invited Committee Member; QR-008; Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand – 2011-2024
Nominated expert ISO/TMB/WG social responsibility; the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO), Geneva, Switzerland, 2005-2010


Address: BS520 (SIP Campus-IBSS Building)