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Yuji Dong

Assistant Professor

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Personal profile

Dr. Yuji Dong received his B.Eng. in Electronic Science and Technology in 2011 from XJTLU, China, M.Sc. in Advanced Computer Science in 2012 and Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2018 from the University of Liverpool.

Before joining XJTLU, he was working as a post-doctoral research associate at the Internet of Things and People (IoTaP) research centre and Malmo University in Sweden. He was actively researching software architecture and software engineering factors in the domain of IoT within several Swedish projects. He also taught several related modules such as System Development, Applied Software Architecture and Software Engineering, and he supervised several Final Year Projects like Using BLE mesh network for indoor tracking (2019) and Adopting Machine Learning in Small Companies (2020).

His research interests primarily focus on the ecological construction of Internet of Things (IoT) systems, with the IoT architecture at the core and multiple technologies such as blockchain, human-computer interaction, reinforcement learning, and multi-agent collaboration as the framework. He is attempting to build a next-generation smart IoT paradigm that is interactive, tradable, communicable, and integrable. Specific research directions include methods for data management and transactions, construction methods for IoT ecosystems, and proactive collaboration methods for multiple devices and systems. These involve various technical directions, including data transactions using blockchain, transaction verification using digital twins and knowledge graphs, proactive exploration of robots using reinforcement learning, and multi-agent collaboration aided by large models, etc. The construction of future smart IoT architecture mainly relies on blockchain, knowledge graphs, and generative artificial intelligence technologies.

Research interests

Multi-Agent Systems, Software Architectures, Knowledge Engineering, Blockchain-based Applications, LLM-Assisted Applications, Hybrid Interactions in IoT Systems, Active Collaborations in IoT Ecosystem


Assistant Professor, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University Entrepreneur Collage (Taicang) - 2021 to Present

Postdoctoral, Internet of Things and People Research Centre, Malmo University, Sweden - 2018 to 2020


IOT304TC Cloud Computing, XJTLU, China

IOT003 Introduction to IoT programming, XJTLU, China

IOT205TC Group Project: IoT in Action, XJTLU, China

IOT202TC Data Structure and Algorithms, XJTLU, China

IOT103TC Computer Architecture and Operating Systems, XJTLU, China

DA379A Applied Software Architecture, Malmo University, Sweden

DA389A System Development, Malmo University, Sweden

DA329A System Development II, Malmo University, Sweden

Awards and honours

  • 2023 - 2026 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Mentor of Taicang University Science and Technology Park 太仓大学科技园创新创业导师
  • 2022 Jiangsu Province Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talent Doctorate Project (江苏省双创博士)
  • Supervised PhD student Shiyao Zhang’s research “Large language model assisted multi-agent dialogue for ontology alignment” won the Excellent Poster Presentation Award at The First Wisdom Lake Postgraduate Researcher Development Conference 2023 XJTLU Postgraduate Research Symposium, 13-15 December 2023 Suzhou SIP (12.2023) 指导博士生张世尧获首届慧湖青年博士发展大会暨2023年西交利物浦大学博士生论坛优秀海报展示奖。
  • Supervised PhD student Sida Huang's research paper "A Trustable and Traceable Blockchain-based Secondhand Market with Committee Consensus" won the best presentation at the 2023 IEEE 8th International Conference on Big Data Analytics (ICBDA 2023) 指导博士生黄思达获2023第八届大数据分析国际会议ICBDA最佳演说奖
  • Supervised PhD student Sida Huang's research "Verifiable data trading using hybrid blockchain and digital twins" won the Best Poster Presentation Award at The 2022 XJTLU Postgraduate Research Symposium, 15-16 December 2022 Suzhou SIP (12.2022) 指导博士生黄思达获2022年西交利物浦大学博士生论坛最佳海报展示奖。
  • Supervised Undergraduate Students Qinyan Gong and Lianglei Liu to award Second Prize in the 2021 National University Students Internet of Things Smart Home Challenge 指导本科生龚沁妍和刘良磊获2021年全国大学生物联网智能家居挑战赛二等奖

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
  • SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities

Education/Academic qualification

Ph.D., Computer Science and Software Engingeering, University of Liverpool, - 2018

M.Sc., Advanced Computer Science, University of Liverpool, - 2012

BEng., Electronic Science and Technology ,Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, - 2011

Person Types

  • Staff


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