Yuan Virtanen

Assistant Professor

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Personal profile

Dr Yuan Virtanen (née Xue) is Assistant Professor at the School of Intelligent Finance and Business, XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang). Yuan holds a Doctor of Science degree in Economics and Business Administration from Aalto University School of Business (AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS accredited), Finland. Prior to joining XJTLU, Yuan worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher for Nordic Innovation project i-SMILE at Hanken School of Economics, Finland.Yuan’s research is in the field of supply chain management. Her main focus areas include sustainable supply chain, circular economy, and supply chain intermediaries. **PhD applicants are welcome to email Dr Virtanen their research proposal (in English).

Research interests

Sustainable supply chain

Circular economy

Supply chain intermediaries

Manufacturing location decisions


Assistant Professor, School of Intelligent Finance Business, XJTLU, 2021–Present

Postdoctoral Researcher, Hanken School of Economics, 2021

Teaching Assistant, Aalto University, 2016-2020

Doctoral Candidate, Aalto University, 2016-2020

Project Analyst (Global Supply Chain Management), Fenix Consulting, 2016-2019

Sourcing Specialist, Marcus-P Ltd., 2012


Theories and Research in International Purchasing and Supply Management (D.Sc. module, The Finnish Doctoral Program in Business Studies)

Coordination of Supply Chains (M.Sc. module, Aalto University)

Distribution and Logistics Services (B.Sc. module, Aalto University)

IFB406TC Business Strategy and Sustainability (Module leader)

IFB301TC Final Year Project (Co-teacher)

IFB209TC Logistics and Distribution (Module leader)

IFB201TC Inventory and Warehouse Management (Module leader)

ENT203TC Leadership and Communication (Co-teacher)

Awards and honours

IPSERA Committee, € 800, Bursary to attend the 22nd IFPSM Summer School on Advanced Purchasing Supply Research at the University of Twente, the Netherlands, 2017

Aalto University, € 1,500, Scholarship for exchange studies, 2013

Education/Academic qualification

Doctor of Science in Economics and Business Administration, Aalto University, Finland, 2020

Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration, Aalto University, Finland, 2015

Master’s Exchange Program, ESSEC Business School, France, 2014

Person Types

  • Staff


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