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Xiaoming Ding

Associate Professor

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Research activity per year

Personal profile

Personal profile

Xiaoming DingPh.D., M.Sc., M,Sc., B.Econ. CPA (Australia)

Research interests

Corporate Finance Issues: all relevant topics of corporate finance, especially topics of Capital Structure, Dividend Policy and Corporate Governance. e.g. Pecking order theory, Simultaneity of dividend pay-out, debt and insider holding, etc Corporate, Banking Performance and Risk Analysis: This research idea is currently of great interest to many international organisations and funding agencies. The main challenge is to generate a rich database and build flow-of-funds modelling. Performance management in different sectors, including supply chain performance management Corporate Governance Issues: Includes the relationships among the many stakeholders involved and the goals for which the corporation is governed. Ensure the accountability of certain individuals in an organization through mechanisms that try to reduce or eliminate the principal-agent problem. Also focuses on the impact of a corporate governance system in economic efficiency, with a strong emphasis on shareholders welfare Financial Risk and Management: Particularly credit risk and market risk. Other types include Foreign exchange, Volatility, Sector, Liquidity, Inflation risks, etc. Financial risk management requires identifying its sources, measuring it, and address them. Financial risk management focuses on when and how to hedge using financial instruments to manage costly exposures to risk Venture Capital in China. This is a new research interest identified by observing the rapid growth of VC industry in China (particularly in Suzhou). Current projects focus on the exit machanism, performance measures and venture partner selection


Associate Professor, Xi‘an Jiaotong-Liverpool University - 2013 to Present

Lecturer, Xiapos;an Jiaoapos;tong-Liverpool University - 2009 to 2013

Post-doctoral Research Fellow, University of Birmingham - 2007 to 2008

Analyst, Capital Dynamics Co. - 2006 to 2006

Teaching Assistant, Research Assistant, University of Birmingham - 2003 to 2007


FIN202 Financial Management

FIN407 Financial Strategy

ACF423 Financial Strategy

ACF210 Financial Management

ACF601 PhD Supervision

MAN001 Business Essentials

MAN303 Final Year Project

MAN401 Introduction to Research Methods I

MAN402 Introduction to Research Methods II

MAN403 Dissertation

Awards and honours

2019 XJTLU Honoured Staff, XJTLU

2017: IBSS Deans Award - Service Excellence, International Business School Suzhou, XJTLU.

2015 Best Papers Award - 7th Global BSSRC held in Bali, Indonesia., World Business Institute, Australia

2015 ICAEW Special Award 2015, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales

2014 ICAEW Special Award 2014, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales

2014 3rd Prize of Excellent Thesis Award of the 8th Jiangsu Philosophy and Social Science Academic Conference, Association of Jiangsu Philosophy and Social Science

2014 Deanapos;s Award, International Business School Suzhou, XJTLU

2014 2nd Prize of Excellent Thesis Award of the 7th Suzhou Philosophy and Social Science Academic Conference, Association of Suzhou Philosophy and Social Science

2013 ICAEW Special Award 2013, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales

2013 Excellent Research Project 2013, Suzhou Social Science Fund

2012 Excellent Educator 2012, Suzhou Industrial Park Administrative Committee

2011 Subsidies for Top Talents, Suzhou Manicipal Government

2010 Subsidies for Top Talents, Suzhou Manicipal Government

2009 Subsidies for Top Talents, Suzhou Manicipal Government

2006 Universita21 Travel Scholarship, Universita21 University Association

2004 Research Student Bursary, Birmingham Business School

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

Education/Academic qualification

PhD , University of Birmingham, UK - 2007

Exchange student , University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong - 2006

MSc , University of Birmingham, UK - 2002

MSc , University of Birmingham, UK - 2001

BSc , Jinan University, China - 2000

Person Types

  • Staff


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