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Personal profile

Personal profile

I am an Associate Professor at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University.


Associate Professor, Department of Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, 2022-present

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, 2017-2022

Statistician, Office of Institutional Research and Analysis, McMaster University, Canada, 2015-2017


MTH316 Applied Multivariate Statistics

MTH313 Loss Distribution

MTH306 Credibility Theory

MTH303 Linear Statistical Models

MTH206 Distribution Theory

MTH205 Introduction to Statistical Methods

MTH104 Introduction to Statistics

MTH008 Multivariable Calculus

MTH007 Linear Algebra

Awards and honours

2018 Jiangsu Science and Technology Programme -- Young Scholar Programme

2018 National Natural Science Foundation of China -- Young Scholar Programme

2022 Jiangsu Science and Technology Programme -- Excellent Young Scholar Programme

Education/Academic qualification

Ph.D, McMaster University, Canada, - 2015

Person Types

  • Staff


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