Wanxin Li

Assistant Professor

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Personal profile

Personal profile

Dr. Wanxin Li is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communications and Networking at XJTLU. He received his bachelor's degree from Chongqing University (China, 2015), master's and doctoral degrees from the University of Delaware (USA, 2017 and 2022), and postgraduate certificate in Education from the University of Liverpool (UK, 2024). His research areas include blockchain technology, security & privacy, and distributed AI. His dissertation won both the IEEE ITSS Best Dissertation Award and the IEEE TEMS Outstanding PhD Dissertation Award in 2022. He is a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy. He is also a Member of IEEE, ACM, and IET.

Research interests

Blockchain Technology

Security and Privacy

Distributed AI

Accepting Ph.D. Students. Please email me your resume, transcript, and any other supporting materials you believe will strengthen the application. Click here to find the program and funding information.


CAN402 - Social Web Programming

CAN301 - Mobile Computing

Recruiting Teaching Assistants. I am seeking multiple Teaching Assistants with experience in JavaScript and PHP to support CAN402 or experience in Android programming to support CAN301. If you are interested in these positions, please email me for further details.

Awards and honours

2022~2023年度苏州市自然科学优秀学术论文, 苏州市人民政府

2024年江苏省区块链优秀解决方案竞赛三等奖, 江苏省教育厅

IEEE ITSS Best Dissertation Award 2022

IEEE TEMS Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Award 2022

Graduate Research Award, University of Delaware, 2022


Assistant Professor, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China, 2022 to present

Research Assistant, University of Delaware, United States, 2018 to 2022

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Education/Academic qualification

PGCert in Education, University of Liverpool

Doctor of Philosophy, University of Delaware

Master of Science, University of Delaware

Bachelor of Science, Chongqing University

Person Types

  • Staff


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