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Personal profile

Personal profile

In 2010, he started his Ph. D. in Applied Mathematics and Statistics in Izmir University of Economics. He completed the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy degree in the Graduate Program of Applied Mathematics and Statistics at Izmir University of Economics. In addition, he worked as a research assistant in Izmir University of Economics Department of Mathematics. His research interests include Applied Probability and Reliability Theory. He had been awarded by TUBITAK with a PhD scholarship between 20010 and 2016. He has been working at the Department of Financial Mathematics, XJTLU, since 2022.

Research interests

Operation Research and Optimization

Order Statistics

Reliability theory

Applied probability


Mathematics Teacher IB DP, American Collegiate Institute, Izmir, Turkey 2015-2022

Research Assistant and Lecturer, Izmir University of Economics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Mathematics 2008-2015


Introduction to Probability and Statistics

Stochastic Process


IB DP SL Mathematics

IB DP HL Mathematics

Awards and honours

TÜBİTAK (Turkey Science and Technology Research Institution) 2211 Domestic PhD Scholarship (2010 – 2015)

TÜBİTAK (Turkey Science and Technology Research Institution) 2210 Domestic Master Scholarship (2008 – 2010)

Izmir University of Economics Promotion Award for Scientific Publications 2010 and 2014

TÜBİTAK (Turkey Science and Technology Research Institution) Promotion Award for Scientific Publications in 2012, 2015

Education/Academic qualification

Izmir University of Economics, Mathematics, B.Sc. (with Full Scholarship) 2004-2008

Izmir University of Economics, International Trade and Finance, B.A (with Full Scholarship) 2005-2008

Izmir University of Economics, Applied Statistics, M.Sc. (with Full Scholarship) 2008-2010

Izmir University of Economics, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Ph.D. (with Full Scholarship) 2010-2016

Person Types

  • Staff


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