



授课教师:Nicola Liberati



教师简介(中英文):Nicola Liberati现为上海交通大学人文学院哲学系教授。他致力于和艺术家、工程师以及设计者一起通过跨文化跨学科的方式研究数字信息对我们的社会所产生的影响。在这方面,迄今为止他已经发表31篇高质量论文。


Nicola Liberati is currently a professor in the department of philosophy, School of Humanities, at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He is devoted to studying the effects of emerging digital technologies in our society through a multicultural and transdisciplinary work with artists, engineers, and designers. In this area, he has so far published 31 high quality papers. He hold a PhD degree in philosophy from University of Pisa in 2014 before doing his postdoctoral researches at Chukyo University in Japan and University of Twente in Netherland (2014-2019). During the period from 2018 to 2020, he was a guest professor at Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla in Mexico. He began his careers at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2020 and was shortly after granted by the Shanghai Overseas High-Level Talent Program in 2021.




This course aims to enable students to tackle topics from different perspectives following a philosophical approach. This course provides an introduction to the philosophy of technology as a way to better understand the development of new digital technologies in our society.

The lectures are designed to foster interactions between the professor and the students in order to better develop their critical point of view through discussion with the teacher and the other students.

Upon completing this course, students should be able to ask questions and give answers systematically and critically, be familiar with the major themes and figures within the philosophy of technology, and see how these ideas can be used to understand society.


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