



授课教师:Konstantin Zimenko



教师简介(中英文):Konstantin Zimenko为俄罗斯圣彼得堡国立信息技术机械与光学大学助理教授。作为从事控制理论与应用的优秀年轻学者Konstantin Zimenko为圣彼得堡国立信息技术机械与光学大学的控制系统与机器人学院“自适应和非线性控制系统”实验室骨干成员。Konstantin Zimenko研究领域包括非线性系统和非线性控制、有限时间和固定时间控制、非线性观测器、故障检测和容错控制算法、鲁棒与自适应控制、输出反馈控制等,并且开展了控制理论方法在机械系统和机器人等领域的应用研究。Konstantin Zimenko自2017年至今以第1作者发表控制理论期刊论文共10篇,包括控制理论顶级期刊IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control和Automatica共 4篇、控制理论知名期刊International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 4篇和International Journal of Control 2篇。

Konstantin Zimenko is an assistant professor at ITMO University in Russia. As an outstanding young scholar engaged in control theory and applications, Konstantin Zimenko is a key member of the "Adaptive and Nonlinear Control Systems" Laboratory of the Faculty of Control Systems and Robotics at ITMO University. Konstantin Zimenko’s research areas include Linear control, finite-time and fixed-time control, nonlinear observer, fault detection and fault-tolerant control algorithms, robust and adaptive control, output feedback control, etc., and carried out research on the application of control theory methods in the fields of mechanical systems and robots. Konstantin Zimenko has published 10 papers in control theory journals as the first author since 2017, including 4 papers in top control theory journals IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control and Automatica, 4 papers in International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control and International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, a well-known control theory journal. Journal of Control 2 articles.

课程简介(中英文):该课程介绍线性系统自动控制理论的基础知识,包括开环系统和闭环系统和控制器设计。通过该课程学习,有助于学生掌握:① 线性系统自由运动动态特性是什么?② 如何从几何特性上理解线性系统?③ 系统在控制输入下响应是什么?④ 如何控制系统向期望动态特性演变?通过该课程学习,学生将获得技能:① 能够预测给定线性系统动态特性;② 系统建模和仿真设计;④ 构建具有所需特性的闭环系统控制器;⑤ 掌握MATLAB + Simulink 软件在线性系统控制领域的使用方法;⑥ 理解现实生活中控制应用实例。

This course introduces the fundamentals of automatic control theory for linear systems, including open-loop and closed-loop systems and controller design. Studying this course will help students master: ① What are the dynamic characteristics of free motion of linear systems? ② How to understand the linear system from the geometrical characteristics? ③ What is the response of the system to the control input? ④ How to control the evolution of the system to the desired dynamic characteristics? Through this course study, students will acquire the skills: ① be able to predict the dynamic characteristics of a given linear system; ② system modeling and simulation design; ④ construct a closed-loop system controller with the desired characteristics; ⑤Master the use of MATLAB+Simulink software in the field of linear system control ⑥ understand real-life control application examples.


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