



授课教师:Osamu Matsuda/松田理



教师简介(中英文):OSAMU MATSUDA(松田理),现任日本北海道大学应用物理系教授,应用固体物理(Applied Solid State Physics)实验室主任。他早期毕业于日本大阪大学理学部物理系并获理学博士学位,长期致力于皮秒激光超声技术、超高频激光超声扫描成像、声子晶体、声学超材料和半导体光学特性等研究,取得了非富的研究成果。近年来,他在Nano Letters 、Physical Review B、Nature Communications等国际顶级期刊上发表一系列有影响力的文章。教学方面松田理教授主要讲授机械原理、激光技术等课程,其讲课风格严谨、引人入胜,具有深刻的物理内涵,受到上课同学的一致好评。

Osamu Matsuda is a full time professor with the Division of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Japan. He is currently deputy director of the Applied Solid State Physics lab in Hokkaido University. He got his Bachelor from Osaka University in 1986 and Doctorate 1991 respectively. his research field includes Picosecond laser ultrasonics, Imaging of Acoustic waves/vibrations, Phononic crystals, Phononic metamaterial, and Optical properties of semiconductors. He has a number of outstanding works published in Nano Letters, Physical Review B and Nature Communications. His teaching style is rigorous and profound, which is very attractive for undergraduates.


The course focuses on the coupling between laser (optics) and ultrasound (acoustics) in the application of material characterization. It consists of two sections. In the first section, a brief introduction on the mechanism of stimulated radiation and laser generation will be given, together with a quick revisiting of linear elastic theory and wave equations. In the second section, the use of ultrahigh bandwidth pulsed laser induced ultrasound will be systematically modeled. Several cases on its application in advanced material characterization. Starting from the very basic principles in physics and ending with practical and state-of-the-art applications, learning the course would be fruitful for undergraduates who already have basis of physics and/or mathematics.


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