微机原理与接口技术(本科生)、机电控制系统装置(研究生)、Modern Control System(留学生);
[1] Song Xue, Congsi Wang*, Ian Howard, PeiyuanLian, Gaige Chen, Yan Wang, Yuefei Yan, QianXu, Yu Shi, Yu Jia, YuanpengZheng, Na Wang, The diagnostic analysis of the fault coupling effects in planet bearing,Engineering Failure Analysis, 2020, 108, 104266. (JCR 2区,影响因子:2.203)
[2] Song Xue, Ian Howard*, Congsi Wang, Hong Bao, PeiyuanLian, Gaige Chen, Yan Wang, Yuefei Yan, The diagnostic analysis of the planet bearing faults using the torsional vibration signal,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 134, 106304.(JCR 1区,影响因子:5.005)
[3] Song Xue, Ian Howard*, Vibration response from the planetary gear with flexible ring gear,International Journal of Powertrain, 2019, 8(1), 3-20.
[4] Song Xue, Ian Howard*, Torsional vibration signal analysis as a diagnostic tool for planetary gear fault detection,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2018, 100, 706-728. (JCR 1区,影响因子:5.005)
[5] Song Xue, Ian Howard*, Dynamic modelling of flexibly supported gears using iterative convergence of tooth mesh stiffness,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2016, 80, 460-481. (JCR 1区,影响因子:5.005)
[6] Song Xue, Rodney Entwistle, IlyMazhar, Ian Howard*, The spur planetary gear torsional stiffness and its crack sensitivity under quasi-static conditions,Engineering Failure Analysis, 2016, 63, 106-120. (JCR 2区,影响因子:2.203)
[7] Song Xue, Ian Howard*, Ring-planet mesh stiffness study with different boundary conditions and crack locations,ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, 2015, Aug 25, Boston, USA.
[8] Song Xue, Rodney Entwistle, IlyMazhar, Ian Howard*, The torsional stiffness of involute spur planetary gears,9th IFToMM International Conference on Rotor Dynamics, 2014, Sep 22, Milano, Italy.
[9]薛松,刘涛,基于IRN神经网络的雷达天线伺服系统故障诊断,电子机械工程,2018, 34(06), 59-63.
➢ “相控阵天线服役状态实时监测与性能综合补偿关键技术”获2019年陕西省电子学会技术发明二等奖,5/6;
➢ “基于IRN神经网络的雷达天线伺服系统故障诊断”获2018年中国机械电子学学术会议论文三等奖,1/1;