l 姓名:卫增峰
Email:zfwei@ wtu.edu.cn
l 学习及工作经历:
2014.09 ~2019.06:华中师范大学 | 化学学院 | 有机化学 | 硕博连读
2010.09 ~2014.06:黄冈师范学院 | 化学化工学院 | 应用化学 | 理学学士
l 学术简介:
l 代表性科研项目:仿生水性聚氨酯的合成及其纳米材料稳定性研究,武汉纺织大学博士科研启动项目,2020/01-2020/12,主持。
l 获得荣誉与成果:
1. Zengfeng Wei, Xin Chen, Jiang Duan, Guangming Zhan, Yumin Wei and Aidong Zhang*. Branched Chain versus Straight Chain Fluorinated Surfactant: A Comparative Study of Their Anticorrosion Performance on Carbon Steel. J. Mol. Liq. 2019, 280, 327–333.
2. Zengfeng Wei, Xin Chen, Jiang Duan, Caihong Mei, Dan Xiao and Aidong Zhang*. Precision synthesis of 3-substituted urushiol analogues and the realization of their urushiol-like performance. RSC. Adv. 2019, 9, 24904–24914.
3. Jiang Duan, Wenhai Wu, Zengfeng Wei, Dedou Zhu and Aidong Zhang*. Synthesis of Functional Catechols as Monomers of Mussel-Inspired Biomimetric Polymers. Green Chem., 2018, 20, 912-920.
4. Xing Wang, Ruixi Chen, Zengfeng Wei, Chenyang Zhang, Haiyang Tu* and Aidong Zhang*. Chemoselective Transformation of Diarylethanones to Arylmethanoic Acids and Diarylmethanones and Mechanistic Insights. J. Org. Chem. 2016, 81, 238-249.
5.张爱东,段江,卫增峰,涂海洋,马健祥. 漆酚类似物的合成及其应用. 专利号201810028158.8