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    作者:凌晨   资料来源:国际处    发布时间:2021-09-10   浏览次数:

           本网讯(通讯员 凌晨)9月7日上午,在流芳校区第三会议室召开武汉工程大学与新西兰梅西大学金融硕士“1+1+1”项目协调会。会议由副校长喻发全主持,国际交流与合作处处长彭石玉、研究生院副院长杨述斌、法商学院院长金明浩及相关部门和学院领导出席会议,与梅西大学校方代表洽谈两校联合培养硕士研究生事宜。






           注:武汉工程大学与新西兰梅西大学金融硕士“1+1+1”项目针对武汉工程大学在校硕士研究生开展两校联合培养,学生第一年在武汉工程大学校内接收两校教师课程教学(含三门梅西大学核心课程),课业合格、英语水平达标且通过梅西大学入学资格审查者,在保留武汉工程大学第二学年学籍的前提下,赴梅西大学进行为期一年的硕士研究生学习,完成梅西大学校内学习及毕业设计者将持《梅西大学硕士学位证》及《梅西大学硕士成绩单》返回武汉工程大学进行学分认证及置换,并在母校接续进行第三学年硕士学习及毕业设计,最终实现三年获得中外两份《硕士学位证》的培养效果。(审稿 彭石玉)

    Massey Visited for Postgraduate Programme

    by Mark, LING Chen

    Department of International Exchange and Cooperation

    On September 7morning, the representatives ofMasseyUniversity, New Zealand, visitedWuhan Institute of Technology, negotiating thejoint educationfor postgraduates who couldapply for one-year studying and researching in Massey for the second academic year out of the 3-year learning in WIT, supported by the 1+1+1 international programme specializing in Master of Finance between the two universities. The meeting was hosted by Mr. YU Fa-quan, the Vice-President of WIT, and the leaders with staff attended it, from the Department of International Exchange and Cooperation, Graduate School, and the School of Law and Business.

    Ms. Carol ZHU shared the specific introduction to the programme with WIT attendants, highlighting the resilient joint courses, special discount for the tuition fee, and enrollment for professional master and research master pathways.

    Mr. YANG Shu-bin, deputy dean of Graduate School, thought highly of the joint programme, would embrace the educational pathway into the enrollment processing for postgraduates in 2022 after evaluation and verification.

    Mr. JIN Ming-hao, deputy dean of School of Law and Business, would encourage graduates in his school to apply for it, and suggest other faculties, such as School of Management, School of Foreign Languages, and School of Art and Design, etc., take in the opportunity for oversea resources.

    Mr. YU Fa-quan thanked the staff from both parties for the international communication in the several months passed, and hoped the Graduate School, featuring the School of Law and Business and other faculties, together with Massey University to carry out the potential and promising program successfully, based on the course articulation, candidate recruit and selection, services for graduates, and other sections. He hoped the cooperation between the universities would expand to the visits among leaders and staff, scientific researches, conferences and paper publishing of researchers and teachers, starting from the exchanging of students, who could even apply for the doctoral degree in Massey, and the friendship based on the international partnership would benefit both in the future.

    (Editor PENG Shi-yu)