1.个人情况/Personal Statement
姓名 Name |
英文姓名(以护照用名为准) In English (Same as in your Passport) |
姓/Family name: |
照片/Photo |
名/Given name: |
中文姓名(如有)/In Chinese(if have): |
性别/Sex: □男/Male □女/Female |
国籍/Nationality: |
婚姻状况/Marital status: |
护照号码/Passport No.: 有效期至/Valid until: 年/ Y 月/ M 日/ D |
出生日期/Date of Birth: 年/ Y 月/ M 日/ D |
出生地国家城市/Place of Birth Country: |
最后学历/Education level: |
宗教信仰/Religion: |
母语/Native language: |
目前所在学校或机构/Place of study or work: |
职业/Occupation: |
电话/Tel: |
传真/Fax: |
E-mail: |
录取通知书邮寄地址/Address for correspondence(Please inform us for any change of this address): |
家庭住址/Home address: |
2.汉语水平/Level of Chinese
是否学过汉语/Have you studied Chinese? □是/Yes □否/No |
请自评程度Please evaluate your ability as: □很好/Excellent □好/Good □一般/Fair □不会/Poor |
3.学习计划/Study Plan
拟申请学习的专业/Major: |
拟申请学习的类别/Category(Level of study): □学士/Undergraduate □硕士/Postgraduate□博士/Doctorate □语言生/Language Program □短期培训/Short-term Exchange |
拟安排授课语言/Language of instruction: □汉语/In Chinese □英语/In English |
拟安排学习时间/Duration of study: 年/ Y 月/ M到/to 年/ Y 月/ M |
4.特长及爱好/Special Skills or Interests
5.亲属情况/Family Members
姓名/Name |
年龄/Age |
职业/ Occupation |
联系电话/Tel |
E-mail |
父亲/Father |
母亲/Mother |
配偶/Spouse |
6.推荐人情况/ Information for Referees
姓名/Name |
工作机构/Organization |
职务/Position |
联系电话/Tel |
E-mail |
7.在华事务担保人或机构/ The Guarantor Charging Your Case inChina
姓名/Name: |
联系电话/Tel: |
职业/Occupation: |
E-mail: |
工作机构/Organization: |
联系地址/Address: |
8.申请人保证/I Hereby Affirm that
①上述各项中所提供的情况是真实无误的/All the information I provided above is true and correct; ②在校学习期间遵守中国政府的法规和学校的规章和制度/I shall abide by the laws and the regulations of the Chinese Government and Wuhan Institute of Technology. 申请人签字/Applicant’s signature: 日期/Date: |
9.申请人在递送本申请表时,请同时提交相应所需材料(见附件1)至指定邮箱/Please send requiredmaterials (see AppendixⅠ)with this form to theE-mail below
联系信息Contact Information:
School of International Education Wuhan Institute of Technology
No. 693 Xiongchu Ave., Hongshan Dist.,Wuhan, Hubei, P.R.China
Tel: +86-27-87193658 Fax: +86-27-87193638 E-mail: witsie1972@163.com; patriciaygl@163.com
Website: /wit/mu_gjxy/
Whether the candidate is accepted or not,all the application materials will not be returned.
附件1/Appendix Ⅰ