Visa Application Procedure

Application for X Visa ofChina

发表时间: 2019-07-01   点击:

Application for X Visa ofChina附件:


Object of Issuance

X1 visa is issued topersons who apply for long-term study in China. Long term means  residingin China for a period exceeding 180 days;

X2 visa is for persons who apply for short-termstudy in China. Short term means staying in China for a period not exceeding180 days (including 180 days)

Required Documentation

   Passport:valid for more than 6 months, there is a blank visa page of the originalpassport and 1 copy about passport photo information page.

   Visaapplication form and photo: 1 “People’s Republic of China visa applicationForm” and 1 photo to paste on the application form of the recent frontalbareheaded light background color passport.

   Proofof lawful stay or residence (applicable to those who do not apply for a visa inthe State of nationality): If you do not apply for a visa in the country ofnationality, you are required to provide a valid certificate of legal stay,residence, work, study or an original and a copy of a valid visa in the hostcountry.

   Theoriginal Chinese passport or the original Chinese visa (applicable to those whohave Chinese nationality, after joining foreign nationality): If you areapplying for a Chinese visa for the first time, you must provide a copy of theChinese passport and passport photo information page. And if you have obtaineda Chinese visa and apply for a visa with a newly renewed foreign passport, theoriginal foreign Passport photo information page and a copy of the Chinese visaobtained must be provided. (If the name recorded in the new passport areinconsistent with the original passport, you must provide the relevant officialproof of changing name).    

X1 Visa

Original and photocopyof the Admission Letter issued by a school or other entities in China.

Original and photocopyof “Visa Application for Study in China” (Form JW201 or Form JW202).

We kindly remind youthat:

Holders of X1 Visashall, within 30 days from the date of their entry, apply to the exit/entryadministrations of public security organs under local people’s governments ator above the county level in the proposed places of residence for foreigners’ residencepermits.

X2 Visa

Original and photocopyof Admission Notice issued by a school or other entities in China. Note: Somecountries need to provide original and photocopy of the Admission Letter. (FormJW201 or Form JW202)


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  • 咨询邮箱:witsie1972@163.com 
  • 邮政编码:430073
  • 通信地址:中国.湖北.武汉市洪山区雄楚大道693号

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