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英文主旨发言 专题报道5:Bruce Morrison

时间:2019-04-01 点击:作者:

Bruce MorrisonEAP instruction in Hong Kong universities: Bridging the gap between school and tertiary English Medium Instruction (EMI)

原创:Bruce Morrison整理:张艳梅   2019-4-1  


2019年3月29日至31日,由武汉工程大学和中国学术英语教学研究会联合主办,外语教学与研究出版社、上海外语教育出版社、北京文华在线教育科技股份有限公司协办,武汉工程大学外语学院承办的“新时代跨学科复合型英语人才培养模式国际研讨会“在武汉工程大学成功召开。研讨会共有12位来自海内外的知名专家做大会主旨发言,其中杨信彰教授、雷蕾教授、Karl Maton Jinyan HuangJohn SpiridakisBruce Morrison六位专家全程用英文做主旨发言。现将六位主旨发言的发言摘要6篇依次整理或简要介绍,以飨读者。

本文为第5篇,对来自香港理工大学Bruce Morrison20193月31日上午在“新时代跨学科复合型英语人才培养模式国际研讨会“上所作的大会主旨发言作简要介绍,并附上英文摘要对照稿。

Bruce Morrison

Bruce Morrison所作的英文主旨发言题为EAP instruction in Hong Kong universities: Bridging the gap between school and tertiary English Medium Instruction (EMI)”(香港大学中的学术英语教学法——中等教育与高等教育全英授课的衔接)。

从中等教育到高等教育的过渡把刚进大学校园的新生置于充满挑战的陌生学习环境中,这可能让他们感到焦虑。对于母语非英语并且之前的学习经历都是以其母语作为教学媒介的学生来说,这种挑战就更严峻了。在Bruce Morrison的主旨发言中,Bruce Morrison考查香港大学中用于帮助母语主要为广东话的大一新生适应全英授课的有效方法简要地讨论和介绍关于调查这些学习者所面临的挑战的研究结果,同时也为全英文授课的海内外高校提出一些建议,以便更好地帮助这些学生。

附:Bruce Morrison简要介绍及发言英文摘要

Dr Bruce Morrison is Director of the English Language Centre at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University where, in 1996, he established and coordinated the Centre for Independent Language Learning. Having previously worked in the Chinese mainland, Italy, South Korea, Malaysia, Spain and the UK, he has extensive experience in language teaching, curriculum development, teacher education, educational research and pedagogic administration. He earned his PhD in 2003 focusing on the evaluation of independent language learning environments. His research interests include the non-native speaker tertiary learning experience, independent and self-access language learning, and technology enhanced language learning. His more recent research has focused specifically on the transition to an EMI university environment for non-native English speaking students – the challenges they face and the strategies they develop to overcome these. As well as serving on a number of journal editorial and review boards and participating in numerous funded projects, he has published widely and has presented at international conferences in the fields of education, English language learning and teaching, independent learning, and technology-enhanced learning and teaching. In addition to co-editing three books, he edited the book Independent Learning: Building on experience, seeking new perspectives (Hong Kong University Press).


EAP instruction in Hong Kong universities: Bridging the gap between school and tertiary English Medium Instruction (EMI)


The transition from secondary to tertiary education is one that can be a cause of concern for any school-leaver, situating them as it does in an unfamiliar learning environment which presents a number of challenges. For non-native English speakers whose previous learning experience was in a first-language medium, the challenges can be very much greater. In this presentation, I will examine some ways in which Hong Kong universities help primarily Cantonese-speaking undergraduate freshmen study effectively in an English-medium instruction environment, briefly discuss findings from a research project that investigated the challenges that these learners face, and suggest some ways in which EMI universities might better support such students.


下一篇: 英文主旨发言 专题报道4:John Spiridakis



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