QQ: 297317203
胡华天,2016年6月毕业于武汉大学,获学士学位;2021年6月毕业于武汉大学,获理学博士学位,师从徐红星院士,主要从事微纳光学、等离激元光学方面的研究。其中2019年2月至2020年4月公派留学赴美国莱斯大学联合培养,师从Peter Nordlander教授。2021年7月加入武汉工程大学光电信息与能源工程学院、数理学院担任专职教师。目前主要从事纳米光子学与等离激元学方面的理论研究,主要研究兴趣为:纳米尺度下受限光场中的光与物质相互作用。
目前已发表同行评议论文14篇;发明专利2项;论文被引>140次,单篇最高被引>50次(Google Scholar)。论文发表在Nano Letters, ACS Nano,Physical Review A, Nature Communications, ACS Photonics等国内外知名期刊上。
1. Hu, H.; Zhang, S.; Xu, H.Closely Packed Metallic Nanocuboid DimerAllowing Plasmomechanical Strong Coupling.Physical Review A2019,99(3), 033815.
2. Hu, H.;Shi, Z.; Zhang, S.; Xu, H.Unified Treatment of Scattering, Absorption, andLuminescence Spectra from a Plasmon–Exciton Hybrid by Temporal Coupled-ModeTheory.J.Chem. Phys.2021, 155(7), 074104.
3. Sun, J.†;Hu, H.†; Zheng, D.; Zhang, D.; Deng,Q.; Zhang, S.; Xu, H.,Light-Emitting Plexciton: ExploitingPlasmon-Exciton Interaction in the Intermediate Coupling Regime.ACS Nano2018,12(10),10393.(†共同第一作者)
4. Sun, J.†;Hu, H.†; Pan, D.; Zhang, S.; Xu, H.Selectively DepopulatingValley-Polarized Excitons in Monolayer MoS2by Local Chirality inSingle Plasmonic Nanocavity.Nano Letters2020,20(7), 4953–4959.(†共同第一作者)
5. Li, Y.;Hu, H.;Jiang, W.; Shi, J.; Halas, N. J.; Nordlander, P.; Zhang, S.; Xu, H.Duplicating Plasmonic Hotspots byMatched Nanoantenna Pairs for Remote Nanogap Enhanced Spectroscopy.Nano Letters2020,20(5), 3499–3505.
6. Chen, W.; Roelli, P.;Ahmed, A.; Verlekar, S.;Hu, H.;Banjac, K.; Lingenfelder, M.;Kippenberg, T. J.; Tagliabue, G.; Galland, C.Intrinsic Luminescence Blinking from PlasmonicNanojunctions.Nat.Commun.2021,12(1), 2731.
7. Tang, J.;Hu, H.;He, X.; Xu, Y.;Zhang, Y.; Guan, Z.; Zhang, S.; Xu, H.SwitchableElectrically Driven Optical Antenna Based on Ultrathin Amorphous Silica.AdvancedOptical Materials, 2021, 2100191.https://doi.org/10.1002/adom.202100191.
8. Jiang, W.;Hu, H.;Deng, Q.; Zhang, S.; Xu, H.Temperature-Dependent Dark-FieldScattering of Single Plasmonic Nanocavity.Nanophotonics2020,9(10), 3347–3356.
9. Chen, W.;Hu,H.; Jiang, W.; Xu, Y.; Zhang, S.; Xu, H.,Ultrasensitive nanosensors based onlocalized surface plasmon resonances: From theory to applications.Chinese Physics B2018,27 (10),107403.
10. He, X.†; Tang, J.†;Hu, H.; Shi, J.; Guan, Z.;Zhang, S.; Xu, H.Electrically Driven Optical Antennas Based on Template DielectrophoreticTrapping.ACSNano2019,13(12), 14041–14047.
11. He, X.; Tang, J.;Hu,H.; Shi, J.; Guan, Z.; Zhang, S.; Xu, H.Electrically Driven Highly TunableCavity Plasmons.ACSPhotonics2019,6(4), 823–829.
12. Zhang, D.; Dai, W.;Hu,H.;Chen, W.; Liu, Y.; Guan, Z.; Zhang, S.; Xu, H.Controlling the Immobilization Process of an OpticalEnhanced Protein Microarray for Highly Reproducible Immunoassay.Nanoscale2021.https://doi.org/10.1039/D0NR08407G
13. Sun, J.;Li, Y.;Hu, H.; Chen, W.; Zheng, D.; Zhang, S.; Xu, H.Strong Plasmon-Exciton Coupling in Transition MetalDichalcogenides and Plasmonic Nanostructures.Nanoscale2021.https://doi.org/10.1039/D0NR08592H.
14. Gerislioglu, B.; Dong,L.; Ahmadivand, A.;Hu, H.; Nordlander, P.; Halas, N. J.Monolithic Metal Dimer-on-FilmStructure: New Plasmonic Properties Introduced by the Underlying Metal.Nano Letters2020,20(3), 2087–2093.
1. 胡华天,张顺平,童廉明,徐红星;一种利用法诺干涉光散射力实现金属纳米颗粒分拣的设备, No. ZL201510961314.2
2. 杨奕, 胡华天, 吴唯;一种利用撞击流和光学散射力的光流控芯片及用于分拣微纳颗粒的用途, No. ZL201510429154.7