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2016年1月,被武汉大学会评为第六届“我心目中的好导师” 荣誉称号。





1. 国家重点研发计划“智能机器人”重点专项:基于视觉的机器人环境建模与定位导航,2019.7-2022.6,897/176万元,课题负责人

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于行为认知的MANET网络模型与性能优化研究,2018.1-2021.12,64万元,项目负责人

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于上下文认知机制的Ad Hoc网络性能优化策略管理模型的研究,2013.1-2016.12,75万元,项目负责人

4. 国家自然科学基金应急管理项目:基于软件节能机制的大规模云数据中心能效优化技术研究,2016.1 2016.12,19.2万元, 项目负责人

5. 广东省省级科技计划项目:云灾备关键技术研究与规模应用,2015.12-2018.12,80万元,项目负责人

6. 深圳市科技计划项目:面向绿色云数据中心的软件节能优化技术研究,2014.9-2016.8,30万元,项目负责人










[1] C Li,H Zhang*,T Zhou. Coflow scheduling algorithm based density peaks clustering. Future Generation Computer System(97),Elsevier,2019.03

[2] Kaili Sun, Chi Guo, Huyin Zhang*, Yuan Li. HVLM: Exploring Human-Like Visual Cognition and Language-Memory Network for Visual Dialog. Information Processing and Management,2022.09

[3] Fei Yang, Huyin Zhang*, Shiming Tao. Simplified multilayer graph convolutional networks with dropout. Applied Intelligence,2022.03

[4] Fei Yang, Huyin Zhang*, Shiming Tao, Sheng Hao. Graph representation learning via simple jumping knowledge networks. Applied Intelligence,2022.08

[5] Kang Zhou, Chi Guo, Huyin Zhang*. Improving indoor visual navigation generalization with scene priors and Markov relational reasoning. Applied Intelligence,2022.04

[6] Fei Yang, Huyin Zhang*, Shiming Tao. Semi-supervised classification via full-graph attention neural networks. Neurocomputing,2022.03

[7] Kang Zhou, Huyin Zhang*, Fei Li. TransNav: spatial sequential transformer network for visual navigation. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering,2022.10

[8] Yonghao Wu, Huyin Zhang*, Cong Li, Shiming Tao & Fei Yang.Urban ride-hailing demand prediction with multi-view information fusion deep learning framework. Applied Intelligence,2022.08

[9] Sheng Hao, Huyin Zhang*. Performance analysis of PHY layer for RIS-assisted wireless communication systems with retransmission protocols. Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences,2022.09

[10]Fei Yang, Huyin Zhang*, Shiming Tao. Hybrid deep graph convolutional networks. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics,2022.02

[11] Wenjia Ding, Huyin Zhang*, Ralf Reulke, Yulin Wang.Reversible image data hiding based on scalable difference expansion. Pattern Recognition Letters,2022.07

[12] Cong Li , Huyin Zhang*, Yonghao Wu, Fei Yang. Spatial-Temporal Attention Mechanism And Graph Convolutional Networks for Destination Prediction. Frontiers in Neurorobotics,2020.7

[13] Kaili Sun, Yuan Li, Huyin Zhang*, Chi Guo, Linfei Yuan, Quan Hu. Syntax-Aware graph convolutional network for the recognition of chinese implicit inter-sentence relations. The Journal of Supercomputing,2022.05

[14] Yonghao Wu, Huyin Zhang*, Cong Li, Shiming Tao, Fei Yang. MVDLSTM: MultiView deep LSTM framework for online ride-hailing order prediction. The Journal of Supercomputing,2022.04

[15] Fei Yang, Huyin Zhang*, Shiming Tao. Travel order quantity prediction via attention-based bidirectional LSTM networks. The Journal of Supercomputing,2022.02

[16] Kang Zhou, Chi Guo, Huyin Zhang*. Relational attention-based Markov logic network for visual navigation. The Journal of Supercomputing,2022.01

[17] Chi Guo, Kai Huang, Yarong Luo, Huyin Zhang*, Wenwei Zuo. Object-Oriented Semantic Mapping and Dynamic Optimization on a Mobile robot. International Journal of Robotics and Automation,2022

[18] Cong Li , Huyin Zhang*, Yonghao Wu, Fei Yang. Multigraph Aggregation Spatiotemporal Graph Convolution Network for Ride-Hailing Pick-Up Region Prediction. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing ,2022.6

[19] Sheng Hao, Huyin Zhang*. A Cross-Layered Theoretical Model of IEEE 1901 Power-Line Communication Networks Considering Retransmission Protocols. IEEE Access,2021.03

[20] Fei Li, Chi Guo, Binhan Luo, Huyin Zhang*. Multi goals and multi scenes visual mapless navigation in indoor using meta-learning and scene priors. Neurocomputing, 2021.08

[21] Sheng Hao, Huyin Zhang*. MAC Performance Analysis for Reliable Power-Line Communication Networks with ARQ Scheme. Sensors, 2021

[22] Chenghao Li, Huyin Zhang*, Wenjia Ding, Tianying Zhou. Fair and near-optimal coflow scheduling without prior knowledge of coflow size. The Journal of Supercomputing, 2021.01

[23] Gang Li, Xiaochen Wang, Ruimin Hu, Huyin Zhang*, Shanfa Ke. Intelligibility Enhancement Via Normal-to-Lombard Speech Conversion With Long Short-Term Memory Network and Bayesian Gaussian Mixture Model. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2021.03

[24] Kang Zhou, Chi Guo, Huyin Zhang*. Visual Navigation via Reinforcement Learning and Relational Reasoning. IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced & Trusted Computing, Scalable Computing & Communications, Internet of People and Smart City Innovation,2021.12

[25] Peilin Yu, Chi Guo, Yang Liu, Huyin Zhang*. Fusing Semantic Segmentation and Object Detection for Visual SLAM in Dynamic Scenes. 27th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 2021.12

[26] Wang J,Zhang HY*,Tang X.Delay-tolerant routing and message scheduling for CR-VANETs. Future Generation Computer System (110),Springer,2020.09

[27] L Ding,H Zhang*,J Xiao,B Li,S Lu,M.Norouzifard An improved image mixed noise removal algorithm based on super resolution algorithm and CNN. Neural Computing and Applications(31),Springer,2018.10

[28] S Hao,HY Zhang*.Theoretical modeling for performance analysis of IEEE 1901 power-line communication networks in the multi-hop environment. The Journal of Supercomputing(2019),Springer,2019.11

[29] Zhang HY*,Xu N,Xu F,Wang ZY. Graph clustering for cognitive radio ad hoc networks without common control channels. Wireless Networks(24),Springer,2016.07

[30] Zhang HY*, Li CH,Zhou TY,Qian L.Energy-efficient algorithm based on service-awareness for data center networks. International Journal of Robotics and Automation(33),ACTA Press,2018.04

[31] XU Ning,H Zhang*,XU Fang,Z Wang .Q-Learning Based Interference-Aware Channel Handoff for Partially Observable Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks. Chinese Journal of Electronics(26),Chinese Institute of Electronics,2017.07

[32] Sheng Hao ,Huyin Zhang*,Mengkai Song.A Learning Automata Based Stable and Energy-Efficient Routing Algorithm for Discrete Energy Harvesting Mobile Wireless Sensor Network. Wireless Personal Communications(107),Springer,2019.04

[33] Hao S,Zhang HY*.From Homogeneous to Heterogeneous: An Analytical Model for IEEE 1901 Power Line Communication Networks in Unsaturated Conditions. IEICE Transactions on Communications(E102.B),The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers,2019.08

[34] J Wang,H Zhang*,X Tang,S Hao.Social-aware routing for cognitive radio-based vehicular ad hoc networks. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks(15),SAGE Publications Inc.,2019.07

[35] Ding L,Zhang HY*,Xiao JS.A comprehensive approach for road marking detection and recognition. Multimedia Tools and Applications(2020),Springer,2020.01

[36] L Ding,H Zhang,*J Xiao,C Shu,S Lu.A Lane Detection Method Based on Semantic Segmentation. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences(122),Tech Science Press,2020.03

[37] S Hao,H Zhang*.An Energy Harvesting Modified MAC Protocol for Power-Line Communication Systems Using RF Energy Transfer: Design and Analysis. IEICE Transactions on Communications(E102.B),The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers,2020.10

[38] J WangH Zhang*,S HaoC Fu. An urban expressway forwarding scheme for cognitive internet of vehicles. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks(16),SAGE Publications In,2020.03

[39] L Ding,H Zhang*,J Xiao,J Lei,F Xu,S Lu. Mixed Noise Parameter Estimation Based on Variance Stable Transform. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences (122),Tech Science Press, 2020.05

[40] H Zhang*,W Dong,C Guo,S Shu,W Zuo. A Visual Servo Control System Combining Parallel Structure with Dual-Lens Zoom. International Journal of Robotics and Automation 2019

系别 职务 二级教授,博士生导师,国家级虚拟仿真实验教学中心主任
电话 邮箱 zhy2536@whu.edu.cn