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主讲人:徐静 助理教授 美国明尼苏达大学

讲座地点:经济与管理学院 B247


摘要:Exposure to stimuli that elicit comparisons in one domain activates a comparative mind-set. In this state, managers are more likely to select from available options and increase their level of spending, when making subsequent, unrelated managerial decisions. Four studies demonstrate this effect. Arguing that U.S. presidential elections likely elicit a comparative mind-set among managers, we show in Study 1 that U.S. firms, but not non-U.S. firms, spend more on advertising in presidential election years than in non-election years. In a controlled business simulation, Study 2 demonstrates that participants spend more money on advertising and training in presidential election years than in non-election years. Two experiments involving practicing managers follow. Study 3 exposes managers to stimuli featuring a U.S. senate election and we observe an increase in spending on training and development programs. Finally, Study 4 shows that shifting the decision frame from choosing to rejecting options attenuates the comparative mind-set effect. We conclude with a discussion of the theoretical and practical contributions of this research.


徐静,美国明尼苏达大学卡尔森管理学院 (Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota) 市场学系助理教授。徐静教授先后在北京外国语大学获得学士学位,美国伊利诺伊大学获得博士学位。徐静教授的研究从信息处理的角度出发,讨论思维定式,目标,和感官因素对消费者和管理者决策的影响。徐静教授的研究成果发表在美国国家科学院院刊 (the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America) , 消费者研究期刊 (Journal of Consumer Research), 心理科学(Psychological Science) , 管理科学 (Management Science) , 消费者心理学期刊 (the Journal of Consumer Psychology) , 实验心理学:通刊 (the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General) , 和实验社会心理学进展 (the Advances in Experimental Social Psychology) 等主流基础科学,市场学,和心理学期刊上。徐静教授的研究成果曾获得美国消费者研究学会年会的最佳论文奖 (The Franco Nicosia Association of Consumer Research Best Competitive Paper Award 2008)。徐静教授于2015年获得美国市场科学研究会青年学者(Marketing Science Institute Young Scholar) 的称号,于2018年获得美国消费者心理学会早期职业生涯成就奖 (the Society for Consumer Psychology Early Career Award) 。