讲座题目:Tract housing, the core, and pendulum auctions(成片住房、核心与钟摆拍卖)
主讲人:周愚 名古屋大学经济学研究科 副教授
Abstract: We consider a model of tract housing where buyers and sellers have (i) wealth constraints, and (ii) unit demand over identical indivisible objects represented by a valuation. First, we characterize the strong core. Second, we characterize the bilateral weak core, or the weak core allocations with no side-payments. Finally, when buyer wealth constraints and valuations are private information and when transfers are discrete, we introduce two families of pendulum auctions, both of which consist of obviously strategy-proof implementations of the bilateral weak core. The buyer-optimal pendulum auctions are preferred by the buyers but are inefficient when side-payments are possible, while the efficient pendulum auctions are efficient.
我们研究了一个成片住房的模型,在该模型中,买方和卖方具有 (i) 财富约束,(ii) 对相同的不可分割物品具有单位需求,该物品通过一个估值来表示。首先,我们刻画了强核心。其次,我们刻画了双边弱核心,即无边际支付的弱核心分配。最后,当买方的财富约束和估值为私人信息且转移是离散的时,我们引入了两类钟摆拍卖,这两类拍卖均为双边弱核心的显然策略无关机制。买方最优钟摆拍卖受到买方的青睐,但在允许边际支付的情况下是无效率的;而高效钟摆拍卖则是有效率的。
周愚,现任名古屋大学经济学研究科副教授、东京大学市场设计研究中心(UTMD)客座研究员。主要研究方向为市场设计理论、拍卖理论及产业组织理论,其研究成果发表于American Economic Review、Games and Economic Behavior、International Economic Review、Journal of Economic Theory 和《经济研究》等国内外期刊。