简介:李仲玢(Li Zhongbin),武汉大学教授、博导。(香港)大学教育资助委员会博士奖学金获得者、香港理工大学博士学位、美国亚利桑那州立大学访问博士生、美国南达科他州立大学博士后、美国密西根州立大学CGCEO助理教授(2019/05 - 2021/05)、美国密西根州立大学CGCEO兼职教授(2021/05 - 2023/05)。
发表的 SCI 论文:
Sun, Y., Wang, M.*, Liu, M., Li, Z.B.*, Chen, Z., and Huang, B., 2024. Continuous Sargassum monitoring across Caribbean Sea and Central Atlantic using multi-sensor satellite observations. RSE. (MODIS, VIIRS,及OLCI 卫星数据融合)
Li, Z.B., Zhang, Y., and Wang, M., 2023. Solar energy projects put food security at risk. Science. (Letters)
Solar energy projects put food security at risk.pdf
He, L., Li, Z., Jia, Q., and Xu, Z., 2023. Soil microplastics pollution in agriculture. Science. (Letters)
Jiang, Q., Li, Z., Qu, S., Cui, Y., Zhang, H., and Xu, Z., 2021. High-resolution map of China's sustainability. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. (高空间分辨率可持续发展制图)
Li, Z., Roy, D.P., Zhang, H.K., 2021. The incidence and magnitude of the hot-spot bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) signature in GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) 10 and 15 minute reflectance over north America. RSE. (地球静止卫星BRDF热点时空分布研究)
Lu, P., Qin, Y., Li*, Z., Mondini, A., and Casagli, N., 2019. Landslide Mapping from Multi-Sensor Data through Improved Change Detection-based Markov Random Field. RSE. (滑坡制图)
Li, Z., Shi, W., Myint, S.W., Lu, P. and Wang, Q., 2016. Semi-automated landslide inventory mapping from bitemporal aerial photographs using change detection and level set method. RSE. (滑坡制图)
Li, Z., Shi, W., Lu, P., Yan, L., Wang, Q. and Miao, Z., 2016. Landslide mapping from aerial photographs using change detection-based Markov random field. RSE. (滑坡制图)
Roy, D.P., Li, Z., Zhang, H.K., Huang, H., 2020. A conterminous United States analysis of the impact of Landsat 5 orbit drift on the temporal consistency of Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper data. RSE. (Landsat 5 卫星轨道漂移)
Zhai, Y., Roy, D.P., Martins, S., Zhang, H.K., Yan, L., Li, Z., 2022. Conterminous United States Landsat-8 top of atmosphere and surface reflectance tasseled cap transformation coefficients. RSE. (Landsat 8 穗帽变换)
Wang, Q., Shi, W., Li, Z. and Atkinson, P.M., 2016. Fusion of Sentinel-2 images. RSE. (Sentinel-2 图像融合)
Yan, L., Roy, D.P., Li, Z., Zhang, H.K. and Huang, H., 2018. Sentinel-2A multi-temporal misregistration characterization and an orbit-based sub-pixel registration methodology. RSE. (Sentinel-2 图像配准)
Zhang, H.K., Roy, D.P., Yan, L., Li, Z., Huang, H., Vermote, E., Skakun, S. and Roger, J.C., 2018. Characterization of Sentinel-2A and Landsat-8 top of atmosphere, surface, and nadir BRDF adjusted reflectance and NDVI differences. RSE. (Sentinel-2 和 Landsat-8 数据协调)
Roy, D.P., Huang, H., Boschetti, L., Giglio, L., Yan, L., Zhang, H.K., Li, Z., 2019. Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 burned area mapping - a combined sensor multi-temporal change detection approach. RSE. (火灾制图)
Roy, D.P., Li, J., Zhang, H.K., Yan, L., Huang, H. and Li, Z., 2017. Examination of Sentinel-2A multispectral instrument (MSI) reflectance anisotropy and the suitability of a general method to normalize MSI reflectance to nadir BRDF adjusted reflectance. RSE. (Sentinel-2 BRDF 研究)