

发布单位: 科学技术发展研究院




主讲人:游书力 中国科学院院士



游书力教授,中国科学院院士、中科院上海有机所党委副书记(主持工作)、副所长。游书力1975年出生于河南漯河,1996年获南开大学学士学位,2001年在中科院上海有机所获博士学位,导师是戴立信院士,之后前往Scripps研究所Jeffery W. Kelly课题组从事博士后研究,2004年至2006年任美国诺华基因组学研究所研究员,2006年4月加入中科院上海有机所工作。2010年获得杰青资助,2017年1月至2023年3月任金属有机化学国家重点实验室主任,2019年至今任中科院上海有机所副所长,2021年起任中科院上海有机所党委副书记,2023年当选为中国科学院院士。

游书力教授主要从事不对称催化、合成方法学、天然产物合成以及药物化学研究,已发表论文390余篇,编著英文专著两本,申报中国专利30余项。曾荣获阿斯利康杰出化学奖(2011年),英国皇家化学会默克奖(2015年),何梁何利基金青年创新奖(2016年),第十四届中国青年科技奖(2016年),2017年度国家自然科学奖二等奖(第一完成人),2019 年度科学探索奖,2023年首期新基石研究员项目,2024年度中国化学会黄耀曾金属有机化学奖,Yoshida Prize等。目前担任JACS等杂志副主编,国际均相催化会议组委会成员。

Brief Introduction of Professor Shu-Li You

Prof. Shu-Li You was born in 1975 in Luohe, Henan province, China, and received his BSc in chemistry from Nankai University in 1996. He obtained his PhD from the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC) in 2001 under the supervision of Prof. Li-Xin Dai before doing postdoctoral studies with Prof. Jeffery W. Kelly at The Scripps Research Institute. From 2004, he worked at the Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation as a Principal Investigator before returning to SIOC in 2006 as a Full Professor. During Jan. 2017 to Mar. 2023, he served as the Director of the State Key Laboratory of Organometallic Chemistry. Since 2019, he has been appointed as the Deputy Director of SIOC. He was elected as academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2023.

His current research interests include asymmetric catalysis, synthetic methodology, natural product synthesis, as well as medicinal chemistry. Prof. Shu-Li You has published over 390 peer-reviewed papers and edited two books, and applied over 30 Chinese patents as a co-inventor. He is the recipient of AstraZeneca Excellence in Chemistry Award (2011), RSC Merck Award (2015), Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Prize for Scientific and Technological Innovation (2016), China Youth Science and Technology Award (2016), National Natural Science Award (2nd class) (2017), Xplorer Prize (2019), and New Cornerstone Investigator Program (2023), Huang Yao-Zeng Organometallic Chemistry Award (2024), Yoshida Prize (2024). Currently, he is the associate editor for JACS and committee member of international conference for homogeneous catalysis.

