SHEN Xiaobei
Department of Management Science
Discipline: Operations Management
Office:Room 521, School of Management
Joined University of Science and Technology of China in 2016


Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Bachelor, 2005.09 -- 2009.06

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Ph.D., 2009.09 -- 2013.07

Working Experience

City University of Hong Kong, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2013.08 -- 2016.06

University of Science and Technology of China, Tenure-track Associate Professor (Assistant Professor), 2016.07 -- 2019.01

University of Science and Technology of China, Associate Professor, 2019.01 -- now

Research Interest

Inventory management, dynamic pricing, dynamic programming, contract mechanism design


11. Xiaobei Shen, Yimin Yu, Jingsheng (Jeannette) Song. Optimal policies for a multi-echelon inventory problem with service time target and expediting. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management , 2022, 24(4), 2310-2327.  

10. Xiangyin Kong, Shuqi Liu, Xiaobei Shen*, Gengzhong Feng. The optimal joint incentive contract designs and inventory decisions with an overconfident agent. Systems Engineering -- Theory & Practice, 2022, 42(1), 123-137.

9. Xiaobei Shen, Yimin Yu, Woonghee Tim Huh. A permutation-dependent separability approach for capacitated two-echelon inventory systems. Operations Research2022, 70(4), 1953-1968.  

8. Xu Tian, Gongbing Bi, Xiaobei Shen, Lindong Liu. Crowdsourcing contests with entry cost. International Transactions in Operational Research (ITOR), 2021, 28(3), 1371-1392. 

7. Xiaobei Shen, Yimin Yu. Capacity allocation with multiple suppliers and multiple demand classes. Production and Operations Management (POM, UTD 24), 2019, 28(11), 2792-2807.

6. Xiaobei Shen, Lina Bao, Yimin Yu, Zhongsheng Hua. Managing supply chains with expediting and multiple demand classes. Production and Operations Management (POM, UTD 24), 2019, 28(5), 1129-1148.

5. Xiaobei Shen, Lina Bao, Yimin Yu. Coordinating inventory and pricing decisions with general price-dependent demands. Production and Operations Management (POM, UTD 24), 2018, 27(7), 1355-1367.

4. Xiaobei Shen, Zoie Shui-Yee Wong, Man Ho Ling, David Goldsman, Kwok-Leung Tsui. Comparison of algorithms to simulate disease transmission. Journal of Simulation (JSim), 2017, 11(3), 285-294.

3. Xiaobei Shen, Kwok-Leung Tsui, William H. Woodall, Changliang Zou. Self-starting monitoring scheme for Poisson count data with varying population sizes. Technometrics (Tech), 2016, 58(4), 460-471.

2. Xiaobei Shen, Fugee Tsung, Changliang Zou. A new multivariate EWMA scheme for monitoring covariance matrices. International Journal of Production Research (IJPR), 2014, 52(10), 2834-2850.

1. Xiaobei Shen, Fugee Tsung, Changliang Zou, Wei Jiang. Monitoring Poisson count data with probability control limits when sample sizes are time-varying. Naval Research Logistics (NRL), 2013, 60(8), 625-636.


Project 72222015 suppored by National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2023.01-2025.12, PI.

Project 72171215 supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2022.01-2025.12, PI. 

Project 71701190 supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2018.01-2020.12, PI.

Project 71731010 supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2018.01-2022.12, Co-PI.