长期从事固体掺杂及点缺陷的机理、固体发光、固态量子体系等研究,主要手段为基于密度泛函的第一性原理计算。2007年作为第一完成人获得重庆市自然科学一等奖; 提出稀土f-d跃迁简化模型和第一性原理-唯像模型相结合方法并推广应用;发展了多种基于稀土或过渡金属激活离子荧光的温度传感方案;揭示了后过渡金属离子掺杂中心激发态结构和动力学过程。发表包括Science (1);Nature Communications (2);Physical Review Letters (10);Phyical Review A/B/D (29);Chemical Society Reviews (1);Coordination Chemistry Reviews (1);Nano Letters(1)等在内的240余篇SCI科研论文, SCI引用6000余次,H-INDEX =42。近期主要从事过渡金属离子、后过渡金属离子掺杂中心和固体本征缺陷的激发态结构和光、电、磁性质及量子传感相关的研究。 发表记录:https://publons.com/researcher/1429860/chang-kui-duan/ (或见:/ustc/mu_lmmr/13293/list.htm)
1990.9-1993.6 中国科学技术大学物理系固体光学与材料专业 本科 1993.9-1998.6 中国科学技术大学物理系凝聚态物理专业 博士
1999.3-2003.8 新西兰Canterbury大学物理与天文系 博士后 2003.8-2006.10 重庆邮电大学光电学院 教授 2006.10-2008.10 香港城市大学生物与化学系(部分时间在重庆) 访问学者 2008.10-2009.11 重庆邮电大学数理学院 副院长 2009.11-2010.8 香港城市大学生物与化学系(部分时间在重庆) 高访 2010.9-2011.1 重庆邮电大学数理学院 副院长 2011.2 至今 中国科学技术大学物理系 教授
科研项目或课题: 1.金刚石色心量子计算研究 2018YFA0306602 国家科技部 2.全固态重频高功率快激光晶体的基础研究 61635012 国家自然科学基金委
1. Qiaoling Chen, Longbing Shang, Haoming Xu, Chonggeng Ma, Peter A. Tanner*, and Chang-KuiDuan*, Rationalizing the structural changes and spectra of manganese and their temperature dependence in a series of garnets with first-principles calculations, Physical Review B 105, 035158 (2022). 2. Weiguo Jing, Mingzhe Liu, Jun Wen,Lixin Ning, Min Yin, and Chang-KuiDuan*, First-principles study of Ti-doped sapphire. I. Formation and optical transition properties of titanium pairs, Physical Review B 104, 165103 (2021). 3. Weiguo Jing, Mingzhe Liu, Jun Wen, Lixin Ning, Min Yin, and Chang-KuiDuan*, First-principles study of Ti-doped sapphire. II. Formation and reduction of complex defects, Physical Review B 104, 165104 (2021). 4. Bibo Lou, Jun Wen, Lixin Ning, Min Yin*, Chong-Geng Ma*, and Chang-KuiDuan*, Understanding the defect levels and photoluminescence in a series of bismuth-doped perovskite oxides: First-principles study, Physical Review B 104, 115101 (2021). 5. Bibo Lou, Jun Wen, JiajiaCai, YauYuen Yeung* Min Yin*, and Chang-KuiDuan*, First-principles study of Bi3+-related luminescence and traps in the perovskites CaMO3(M=Zr,Sn,Ti), Physical Review B 103, 075109 (2021). 6. Zhaoyang Feng, Bibo Lou, Qiaoling Chen, Min Yin, Chong-Geng Ma, and Chang-KuiDuan*, Self-Activated and Bismuth-Related Photoluminescence in Rare-Earth Vanadate, Niobate, and Tantalate Series—A First-Principles Study, Inorganic Chemistry 60, 16614 (2021). 7. Zhaoyang Feng, Bibo Lou, Min Yin, Yau-yuen Yeung, Hong-Tao Sun*, and Chang-KuiDuan*, First-Principles Study of Bi3+-Related Luminescence and Electron and Hole Traps in (Y/Lu/La) PO4, Inorganic Chemistry 60, 4434 (2021). 8. Qi Liu, ZhaoYang Feng, Hong Li, Qing Zhao, Naoto Shirahata, Yoshihiro Kuroiwa, Chikako Moriyoshi, Chang-KuiDuan*, and HongTao Sun*, Non-Rare-Earth UVC Persistent Phosphors Enabled by Bismuth Doping, Advanced Optical Materials 9, 2002065 (2021). 9. Mingzhe Liu, Chang-KuiDuan*, Peter A. Tanner*, Chong-Geng Ma, and Min Yin, Rationalizing the Photoluminescence of Bi3+ and Sb3+ in Double Perovskite Halide Crystals, J. Phys. Chem. C 125, 26670 (2021). 10. Zhaoyang Feng, Bibo Lou, Qiaoling Chen, Min Yin, Chong-Geng Ma, and Chang-KuiDuan*, Self-Activated and Bismuth-Related Photoluminescence in Rare-Earth Vanadate, Niobate, and Tantalate Series—A First-Principles Study, Inorganic Chemistry 60, 16614 (2021). 11. Qiaoling Chen, Longbing Shang, Haoming Xu, Chonggeng Ma, and Chang-KuiDuan*, Multiple-Valence and Visible to Near-Infrared Photoluminescence of Manganese in ZnGa2O4: A First-Principles Study, J. Phys. Chem. C 125, 21780 (2021). 12. Qiaoling Chen, Weiguo Jing, Yau-Yuen Yeung, Min Yin*, and Chang-KuiDuan*, Mechanisms of bismuth-activated near-infrared photoluminescence– a first-principles study on the MXCl3 series, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 23, 17420 (2021). 13. Qiaoling Chen, Bibo Lou, Weiguo Jing, Min Yin, YauYuen Yeung, Liangbi Su, ChangKuiDuan*, First principles study on low valence states photoluminescence in Bi-doped M2B5O9Cl crystals, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 863, 158704 (2021). 14. Hu, Fangfang; Jiang, Yuncheng; Chen, Yihang, Rongfei Wei, Hai Guo*, Chang-KuiDuan*, Optical thermometry based on the thermal coupling of low-lying levels of Sm3+ in highly stable NaGdF4 glass ceramics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 867, 159160 (2021).