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作者: 日期:2018-09-05 来源:北京科技大学主楼 353
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报告人/Speaker: 叶丽古玛博士

报告人工作单位/Affiliation:Department of Materials Science, Oxford University

日期/Date:2018年9月5日(星期三),Sep. 5 (Wednesday), 2018

时间/Time: 10:00 – 11:00 AM

联系人/Contact:吕昭平 luzp@ustb.edu.cn

报告地点/Location:北京科技大学主楼 353, 353 Main Building, USTB



Abstract: Iron-based alloys, especially Fe-Cr based steels are widely used as structural materials in current reactors and are proposed as core materials in the design of the next generation of reactor systems. To this end, using atom probe tomography (APT), this study investigates the atomic-scale microstructural changes within two Fe-Cr based steels, 17-4PH steel and T91 steel, subject to heat treatment and irradiation.

17-4PH steel is heat treated at different temperatures. The sequence of microstructural changes at the atomic scale in a 17-4PH steel is characterized by APT. The evolution in number density and fraction of the precipitates have been quantified and a simple model has been developed to estimate their respective contributions to the overall precipitation hardening of the material

As part of a US-UK Integrated Research Project (IRP) project, another aim of this study is to demonstrate the capability to predict the in-reactor evolution of T91 microstructure at high doses, using ion irradiation as a surrogate for neutrons. APT has characterized the microstructural changes in T91 steel for different irradiation conditions, dual beam irradiation (Fe++ and He++) and BOR-60 reactor irradiation.

作者简介/Speaker’s short biography

叶丽古玛博士,2010年本科毕业于清华大学材料系并留校攻读硕士学位,2011年赴日本东京大学交流。2017年博士毕业于牛津大学材料系,后留校做博士后。主要用三维原子探针及其他辅助方法研究核电站用钢材料在热处理或辐照后的微观结构及性能变化。研究成果在Acta Materialia, Journal of nuclear materials, Philosophical Magazine等杂志发表。