An experimental study of power division multiplexing in visible light communication
Journal:Optics Communications
Abstract:In this paper, the performance of a one-channel PDM-VLC system with different signal power ratios, sample rates and transmission distances are investigated, and for three users' transmission, 150 Mbit/s rate and 1.2 m distance can be realized. Furthermore, a two-channel PDM-VLC system with distance of 1 m is established and analyzed for the multi-user application. The total transmission rate can reach 150 Mbit/s for three users and 250 Mbit/s for two users under the influence of the channel interference.
Co-author:Chen D,Jin J,et al
First Author:Wang Y
Page Number:124296
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2020-01-15
Included Journals:SCI