2022.6-至今 江苏大学医学院 资格副教授
2019.9-2021.10 University of Massachusetts medical school 博士后
2016.10-2019.6 University of Massachusetts medical school 联合培养博士研究生
2015.9-2019.6 南京农业大学 博士研究生
1.Qu M, Lu P, Bellve K, et al. Mode switch of Ca2+ oscillation-mediated uterine peristalsis and associated embryo implantation impairments in mouse adenomyosis[J]. Frontiers in Physiology, 2021: 1940.
2.Qu M, Lu P, Bellve K, et al. Smooth muscle cell-specific TMEM16A deletion does not alter Ca2+ signaling, uterine contraction, gestation length, or litter size in mice[J]. Biology of reproduction, 2019, 101(2): 318-327.
3.Qu M, Wei S, Chen Z, et al. Differences of hormones involved in adipose metabolism and lactation between high and low producing Holstein cows during heat stress[J]. Animal Nutrition, 2015, 1(4): 339-343.
The 68th SRI annual meeting: President’s Presenter’s Award。