摘要: 从二氧化锡的应用出发,总结了锦掺杂二氧化锡的导电机理和该材料湿相制备方法的研究现状。认为晶格的氧缺位、Sb+杂质在 SnO2禁带形成施主能级并向导带提供n型载流子是锦掺杂 Sn0导电的两种主要机理,将湿相制备超细锦掺杂 SnO2 分为均相沉淀和非均相沉淀两个方案。最后列举了在制备锦掺杂 Sn. 超细粉时存在的问题,并对今后工作提出了展望
Abstract: The conducting mechanism and preparation status of nano-sizedantimony doped tin oxide (ATO) are introducted. The oxygen vacanices anddopants, Sb5+, supply n - type charge carries to the condufivity of SnO2 arethe two of conducling mechanism. Using hydrochemical to prepare nano -sized ATO particles can be sumed up two kinds of ways: heterogeneous pre-cipitation and homologous precipitation. Using the homologous precipitationcan oblain the betler products. Some existing problems and some envisions ofthe research works are suggested.
Keywords: antimony doped tin oxide; conducting mechanism; fabrication