摘 要: 制备了基于负载辣根过氧化氢酶 (HRP) 的 介 孔 二 氧 化 硅 (MS)粒子的酶场效应晶体管(ENFET)用来检测过氧化氢浓度的生 物 传 感 器。 不 同 孔 径 的 MS 粒子被用作固定酶的载体构造 ENFET, 显著改善了酶的固定量。 用负载 HRP 的 MS 粒子修饰于离子敏场效 应管的栅极制成的过氧化氢敏 ENFET 灵敏度较传统的直接固定 HRP 的 ENFET 有显著的提高。 对不同孔径的 MS 粒子研究发现,扩 孔 的 MS 粒子的性能更好, 同时还讨论了缓冲液浓度和 pH 值 的 影 响。 另外,由于在 MS 粒子表面组装了 5 个复层的 聚 电 解 质,生 物 传 感器的稳定性良好。
Abstract: The enzyme field effect transistor (ENFET) biosensor based on horseradish peroxidase (HRP)loaded mesoporous silica (MS)particles for detecting H2O2 concentration was fabricated. The MS particles of different pore sizes were used as the substrates for immobilizing enzyme to construct ENFETs. The MS particles showed significantly improved enzyme immo bilization capacity. The H2O2 sensitive ENFET based on the modification of the gate surface of ionsensitive field effect transistors (ISFETs)with HRP loaded MS particles showed obviously enhanced sensitivity compared with the conventional ones. MS particles of different pore sizes were inves tigated and the sensor with remodeled MS particles which experienced the pore expanding treatment showed better performance than untreated MSparticles. The influences of buffer concentration and pH were discussed. The biosensor also had good stability owing to assembling 5 bilayers of polyelectrolyte shell on the MS particles’ surfaces.
Keywords:mesoporous silica;horseradish peroxidase; enzyme field effect transistor;biosensors