ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2010年16卷  第6期


Study on Cement Clinker Grinding in Horizontal Planetary Ball Mill


摘要:分析卧式行星球磨机的工作优点和粉磨机理;采用自行设计的多功能卧式行星球磨机装置,研究离心加速度、磨筒自传与公转转速比和粉磨时间对典型水泥熟料粉磨效果和成品粉体(粒度小于75μm)产率的影响。结果表明:离心加速度为14G时粉磨效果最好;磨筒自转与公转转速比是控制磨筒内离心区域与向心区域分界线的主要因素;在14G的离心加速度下,5 min内可使成品粉体产率达到65.23%。

关键词: 卧式行星球磨机;水泥熟料;粒度分布

Abstract:The advantages and grinding mechanism of the horizontal planetary ball mill were analyzed. A self-designed multi-functional horizontal planetary ball mill was employed to study the influence of the centrifugal acceleration, the rotation-to-revolution speed ratio, and grinding time on the cement clinker grinding effect and the yield of available cement powder (d<75 μm). The results showed that the best grinding effect was obtained when the centrifugal acceleration was 14G. The key factor of controlling the regional boundary of centrifugal area and centripetal area in the pot was the rotation-to-revolution speed ratio. In the 14G centrifugal acceleration, it could get a 65.23% rate of production of the available powder in 5 min. 

Keywords: horizontal planetary ball mill; cement clinker; particle size distribution