摘要: 为了模拟预测粒径和密度同时存在差异的双组分颗粒体系的分 级混合行为,基于欧拉-欧拉方法建立多流体模型,采用颗粒动力学理 论描述颗粒相性质,分别通过 Gidaspow 和 Syamlal 曳力模型描述气-固 相曳力和固-固相作用力。 结果表明,模拟得到的轴向和径向颗粒浓度 分布与实验数据吻合较好;当在较小气流速度下出现分级行为时,床层 底部富沉积组分层中沉积组分的运动十分有限, 而在较大气流速度下 处于完全混合状态时,床层内部颗粒运动较为剧烈。
Abstract: To simulate the segregation and mixing behavior of binary particle mixtures differing in size and density, a multi-fluid Eulerian model incorporating the kinetic theory of granular flow was developed. The gas-solid and solid-solid drags were respectively determined by the Gidaspow and Syamlal drag model. The results show that jetsam axial and radial concentration distributions obtained by simulation agree well with experimental data. When the segregation occurs at small gas velocities, the motion of jetsam in the jetsam-rich (bottom) layer is slow, while becomes faster for the well-mixed condition at large gas velocities.
Keywords: binary particle mixture; segregation; mixing; bubbling fluidized bed; numerical simulation