摘要:在分析我国以及美国标准学会、美国材料与试验协会及其英国、德国、法国、欧洲标准学会等有关气溶胶标准的基础上, 提出要针对我国经济和社会飞速发展以及人们对环境和安全关注度与日俱增的现实, 如气溶胶与人体健康、周边大气的质量、人员聚集区域空气微生物超标应急响应等, 应特别重视我国气溶胶的标准化研究, 包括气溶胶的采集、观测、特性分析等方面的标准, 使得气溶胶的科研成果尽快形成相应的标准, 进而指导气溶胶科研仪器的自主创新, 进一步推动气溶胶的科研开发工作, 使气溶胶的研发走向良性循环的道路。
Abstract:Based on the analysis of the standards about aerosol abroad and China, it is proposed that it is should be paid much more attention to the study of the standardization of aerosol, because it is greatly growing concerned about environment and safety with the rapidly development of our economy and society. Standardization of aerosol includes the standards on the collection, observation and characterization of aerosol. The corresponding standards should be speed up to form with the scientific research going so as to guide the instrument innovation for aerosol research.
Keywords:aerosol; standardization; overview