ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2015年21卷  第6期


Fluidization and Separation Characteristics of Fine Residual Carbon Powders


摘要:以气化残炭细粉为原料,利用搭建的冷态实验装置对气化残炭细粉在提升管中的流化特性和在旋风分离器中的分离特性进行研究。结果表明:提升管表观风速大于0.5 m/s时,气化残炭细粉开始被大量夹带,提升管表观风速大于0.9 m/s时,气化残炭细粉能全部从提升管中输运;旋风分离器的压降随着入口颗粒浓度的增大先减小后趋于定值;实验测量和模型计算得到的旋风分离器分离效率吻合较好,并且旋风分离器的分离效率均大于97.5%,分离效率较大与气化残炭细粉的颗粒团聚和颗粒沉降有关。


Abstract: Taking the fine residual carbon powders as raw materials, the fluidization characteristics in riser and separation characteristics in cyclone were researched using a founded cold test rig. The results show that the fine residual carbon powders are elutriated considerably when the superficial velocity is greater than 0.5 m/s, and transported entirely in the riser when the superficial velocity is greater than 0.9 m/s. The cyclone pressure drop decreases with the increase of inlet solid loading and approaches to a fixed value finally. There is a good agreement between experiment values and calculated values of the cyclone efficiency. The efficiency with different inlet solid loading is larger than 97.5% due to the particle agglomeration and sedimentation of the fine residual carbon powders. 

Keywords: fine residual carbon powder; fluidization; separation; transportation