ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2017年23卷  第4期


Study on two-stage feeding using pulse pneumatic conveying system for woody biomass fast pyrolysis


摘要:为解决热解进料气体反喷问题, 设计了二级脉冲式气力输送进料试验装置。为确定该装置颗粒质量流量的频率调控方法, 以木质生物质锯末颗粒为物料, 提出并优化了气力进料频率匹配调控方案。在自主设计搭建的试验台上, 考察了A、B两级电磁阀的开闭频率对颗粒质量流量的影响。结果表明:减小喷嘴直径, 每周期适当关闭电磁阀A, 有利于提高颗粒质量流量, 但关闭时间不宜超过滞留时间 (约0.7~0.9 s) ;两级电磁阀最佳频率匹配方案为A开B闭 (0.8~1.2 s) —A开B开 (0.2~0.5 s) —A闭B开 (0.7~0.9 s) —A开B开 (0.8~1.0 s) ;在该方案下落叶松锯末平均颗粒质量流量约为21 g/min。


Abstract:To solve the problem of regurgitation during fast pyrolysis feeding process, a two-stage of pulse pneumatic conveying feeding test apparatus was developed. To get the frequency controlling methods of feeding rate, a test which adopting woody biomass saw dust as conveying materials was carried out. Based on the test device, the frequency matching scheme of pneumatic conveying was put forward and optimized, and single factor experiment of the frequency of the two-stage nozzles which is the key factor was carried out. The results show that the mass flow rate can be increased by intermittently closing primary nozzle A (no more than residence time which is about0.7~0.9 s or decreasing the diameter of nozzle. Two-stage frequency optimal matching scheme and matching time of cyclic progress was determined that nozzle A opened and B closed (0.8~1.2 s) —nozzle A opened and B opened (0.2~0.5 s) —nozzle A closed and B opened (0.7~0.9 s) —nozzle A opened and B opened (0.8~1.0 s) . The average larch particle mass flow rate of this equipment under the scheme is about 21 g/min.

Keywords: pneumatic convey;pulse;larch saw;pyrolysis;frequency matching